Search results 20
National Diet Library
- ContentsMonolithic aerogel preparation / ......rroll Granular aerogel preparation / ......of translucent aerogel-based material...... properties of aerogels : from theory......of translucent aerogel-based material......slucent silica aerogel-based material......ranular- based aerogels, measurement ......and Eric Maire Aerogel systems for miscellaneous bui...
- Subject HeadingAerogels. Silica, Vitreous.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBioremediation--Technological innovations Aerogels
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAerogels.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAerogels--Congresses.
- Author HeadingSymposium BB, "Aerogels and Aerogel-Inspired Materials" (2010 : B...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGraphene Hydrothermal Hydrogel Aerogel Pollutants
- Alternative Title...oduce Hydrogel/Aerogel and Its Applications
- Alternative Title...oduce Hydrogel/Aerogel and Its Applications
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCellulose aerogels wood templates CO2 capture m...
- Note (General)...s materials of aerogels show high cos...... the cellulose aerogel with low densi......ellulose (PIC) aerogel showed large s......ellulose (PCC) aerogel sorbent was pr......ned porous PCC aerogel showed 3D netw......acity of PCC-1 aerogel reached 2.31 m......ption. The PCC aerogel showed excellent CO2 adsorpti...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingkaon rare decay J-PARC aerogel Cerenkov detector
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAerogels Mir space station Space debr...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingporous materials aerogels polyorganosiloxanes sol-gel ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAerogels Space debris Cosmic dust Com...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAerogels Silicon dioxide Interplaneta...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...yurethane foam Aerogels
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCellulose aerogels wood templates CO2 capture m...
- Note (General)...s materials of aerogels show high cos...... the cellulose aerogel with low densi......ellulose (PIC) aerogel showed large s......ellulose (PCC) aerogel sorbent was pr......ned porous PCC aerogel showed 3D netw......acity of PCC-1 aerogel reached 2.31 m......ption. The PCC aerogel showed excellent CO2 adsorpti...
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- Subject HeadingAerogels Polysaccharides -- Biotechno...
- Subject Heading (ID)Aerogels Polysaccharides -- Biotechno...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingaerogels organopolysiloxanes sol-gel ...
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- Subject HeadingAerogels
- Subject Heading (ID)Aerogels
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- Subject Headingヘリウム 超流動 超音波 エアロジェル 相転移 helium superfluidity ultrasound aerogel phase transition
- Note (General)...elium 3 in 98% aerogel in 1997. Howev......T of helium in aerogel for both heliu....... helium 4 and aerogel systemQPT is r......of helium 4 in aerogel with porosity ...... suppressed by aerogel. We have made ......ot observed in aerogel. We have 97 % porous aerogel around 1.7 K. ......superfluid and aerogel sound mode in ......n of helium in aerogel was studied. S......ica strands of aerogel.2. helium3 and aerogel systemA nuclea...... cavities with aerogel and bulk liqui......he signal with aerogel has been observed using longi...
- Alternative TitleQuantum phase transition of liquid helium in aerogel
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingエアロジェル ヘリウム3 超流動 AEROGEL HELIUM3 SUPERFLUIDITY
- Note (General)...f liquid He in aerogel. We obtained t...... sound mode in aerogel-He4 system For......motion between aerogel and liquid. An......nsitive to the aerogel density. Theoretical analysis...
- Alternative TitleSuperfluidity of liquid ^3He in aerogel
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...m space debris aerogel
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingcarbon aerogels formaldehyde organic resorci...