Search results 1,232
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... and theory of bookselling and collecting into the modern commercial an...
- Appendix E. Book Collectors' Clubs and Societi...
- Subject HeadingBibliography--Dictionaries. Book industries and......-Dictionaries. Book collecting--Dictionaries........ Bibliography Book collecting Book industries and trade Library ...
National Diet Library
- Contents...e, and paper : books and broadside......itical objects Collecting, recording, an......ledge "To make books without end" : from the libr...
- Subject Heading...Collectors and collecting--History. Jewi......ries--History. Book collecting--History. Book collecting. Jewish libraries.
- Note (Content)...tion of Jewish books and manuscrip...... and Jews that books facilitated. ......introduced old books to new Teplitsky's book offers a of Jewish books in early modern Europe.--Pub...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Collection of old Thai language books and their descriptions.
- Subject HeadingBook collecting--Thailand. Thai language.
- Alternative TitleOlden words and books
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBooks--Russia--Hist......ry--Congresses Book collecting--Russia--Histo......ry--Congresses Book collecting. Books. Publishers and publishing. ...
- Alternative Title...ecise, fair' : book culture of the Peter the Grea...
- Alternative Title...ecise, fair' : book culture of the Peter the Grea...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ersity Library Book collecting--England--History Rare books--Japan Ukiyoe......toire--Sources Book collecting Libraries Rare books Ukiyoe England Japan
National Diet Library
- Contents...t additions 3. Bookplates & book labels 4. Book stamps & stencils 5. Bookbindings & exte......on provenance, book collecting & private libr...... by individual book owners Picture references Ind...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory. Handbooks and manuals.
- Subject HeadingBooks--Provenance--Research--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Book collecting--Great Britain--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Books--Owners' marks--Handbooks, manuals, etc...... catalogs--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Book collecting. Books--Owners' marks. Library cata...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book offers readers......tanding of how books are made, the......scribed in the bookselling, book collecting, and library w......uld be used in booksellers' catalogers, library r...
- Contents...e Appendix E : book collectors' clubs and societi...
- Subject HeadingBibliography--Dictionaries. Book industries and......-Dictionaries. Book collecting--Dictionaries....... Bibliography. Book collecting. Book industries and trade. Library...
National Diet Library
- Subject Book collecting--France--Exhib......Collectors and collecting--France--Exhibitions Book collecting. Manuscripts--Collectors and collecting. France.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...s--Exhibitions Book collecting--France--Exhib......Collectors and collecting--France--Exhib......y--Exhibitions Book collecting Human body--So......Collectors and collecting France
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBibliography--Dictionaries. Book collecting--Dictionaries. Book industries and trade--Diction...
- Note (General)Revised edition of: ABC for book collectors / John Carter. Eig...
- Title HeadingABC for book collectors
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book presents the c......collections of books and texts whi......l dimension of book collecting, and considers......w practices of collecting developed during these period...
- Contents... collection of books / Giulia West......communities of collecting in seventeenth......ohn Evelyn: A "collecting friendship" as......e best tast of books & learning of......always fond of books": John Couch ...... / Alex Wright Booksellers' catalo......ine printing": Collecting Whittaker's Golden Magna Cart...
- Subject HeadingBook collecting--Europe--History. Book collectors--Europe--History. ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... and 1,000,000 books each, includi...... of the Arabic Book answers this q......pth stories of bookmakers and book collectors, st......history of the book has been writt......rope. The role books played in shaping the great ...
- ContentsScholars Poets Stationers Book owners and readers
- Subject HeadingBooks--Islamic Empire Books and reading--Islamic Empire Book collecting--Islamic literature. Book collecting. Books. Books and reading. ......llectual life. Books--Islamic Empi......ory--400-1450. Books and reading--......slamic Empire. Book collecting--Islamic Empire. Arabic liter...
National Diet Library
- Contents... Italian choir books and the first collectors of ...
- Subject Heading...llumination of books and manuscrip......llumination of books and manuscrip......llumination of books and manuscrip......llumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....scholarship on book catalogues in ......gues played in bookselling and book auctions, as w...... the tastes of book collectors and......e early modern book trade, and as ......history of the book. These catalog......he business of books, and they all......d ownership of books that would otherwise be extr...
- Contents...nd Development Book Trade Catalogues: From Bookselling Tool to Book Historical Sou......nd Graeme Kemp Booklists and the R...... of Auctioning Books in Late Seven......s van Nispen's Book Sale Catalogue...... Rivet and His Books / Forrest C. ......d the Catholic Book Trade in Amste...... the Frankfurt Book Fair after the......tic. The Dutch Book Trade and the ......t 5: Models of Collecting Catalogues in ......n Early Modern Book Collecting / Philippe Sch......r Developments Booksellers' Catalogues in Zagreb,...
- Subject HeadingBooksellers' catalo......--17th century Booksellers' catalo......--18th century Booksellers and bookselling--Europe......--17th century Booksellers and bookselling--Europe......--18th century Book collecting--Europe--Histo......--17th century Book collecting--Europe--Histo......--18th century Book auctions--Euro......--17th century Book auctions--Euro......--18th century Book auctions. Book collecting. Booksellers and bookselling. Booksellers' catalogs. Private lib...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....modern private book collections, a...... on historical book ownership to micro-level rese...
- Contents...History of the Book: Otto Thott's ......h Century: The Books of Jan Matthi......tijzer Sharing Books in Eighteenth......he Second-Hand Book Trade in Early......erre Delsaerdt Book Auctions at th......iliola Barbero Book Ownership in P......anada: Tracing Books in the Archiv......ies in Spanish Book Sales Catalogu......sts of Private Book Collections in......rds of Private Book Collections in......ries to Modest Book Collections: R......Danish Private Book Collections of......Realisation of Book Sales Catalogues Online / Ott...
- Subject Booksellers' catalo......ry--Congresses Book collectors--Hi......ry--Congresses Book collecting--History--Congresses Books and reading--......ry--Congresses Book industries and...... Early printed books--Bibliography--Congresses
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLasunskiĭ, O. (Oleg) Book collecting--Russia (Feder......ion)--History. Book collecting--Soviet Union--History. Book collectors--Ru......n)--Biography. Book collectors--So......iography. Rare books--Russia (Fede......lag. Verleger. Book collecting. Book collectors. Pr......ibraries. Rare books. Russland. Sowjetunion. Russ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBooks and reading--......-16th century. Books and reading--......-17th century. Book collecting--England--Hist......-16th century. Book collecting--England--Hist......-17th century. Book collecting. Books and reading. Publishers and ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingIndia--Encyclopedias. Electronic book collection. India.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBook collecting. Antiquarian booksellers. Libraries -- Special collections -- Rare books.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingUnited States--History--Juvenile literature. Electronic book collection. United States.