Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake.Princeton University Press[2018]<DH531-B13>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
edited by Wolfgang Lutz, William P. Butz, and Samir KC.Oxford University Press2017.<DC712-B67>
National Diet Library
Paul CollierHarperCollins2018
Other Libraries in Japan
Paul CollierAllen Lane2018
Other Libraries in Japan
Niko Paech ; translated by Benjamin LiebeltOekomc2012
Other Libraries in Japan
Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter LovinsEarthscan2010
Other Libraries in Japan
Patrick Artus et Marie-Paule VirardLa Découvertec2008
Other Libraries in Japan
"Nauka, " Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry1992.<DA77-A20>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...- Forecasting. Capitalism -- Forecasting. Twenty-first century -- Forec...
Jeff Gates ; with a foreword by Stephan SchmidheinyPerseus1999
Other Libraries in Japan
Jeff GatesPenguin Books1999
Other Libraries in Japan
Jeff Gates ; with a foreword by Stephan SchmidheinyAllen Lane : Penguin Press1998
Other Libraries in Japan
André Gorz ; translated by Chris TurnerSeagull Books2010
Other Libraries in Japan
Lester C. ThurowPenguin Books1997
Other Libraries in Japan
Lester C. ThurowNicholas Brealey1997
Other Libraries in Japan
Lester C. ThurowW. Morrowc1996
Other Libraries in Japan
М. М. Голанский"Наука", Глав. ред. восточной лит-ры1992
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Mike Wright, Ken RobbieEdward Elgarc1999
Other Libraries in Japan