Michael C. Brannigan.Lexington Books[2012]<EG215-B328>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...United States. Cultural competence--United States. Cultural Competency--United ...
Patricia Montiel-Overall, Annabelle Villaescusa Nuñez, and Verónica Reyes-EscuderoRowman & Littlefield[2016]<UL731-D3>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... and libraries Cultural competence--United States Hispanic Americans--Informati...
National Diet Library
Michael C. BranniganLexington Booksc2012
Other Libraries in Japan
Lorin A. Cartwright, René Revis ShinglesHuman Kineticsc2011
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Jean MouleWadsworth, Cengage Learningc2012
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Juliet C. RothmanPearson/Allyn and Baconc2008
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Patti R. RoseJones & Bartlett Learningc2013
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Larry D. PurnellF.A. Davisc2013
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Janice L. Dreachslin, M. Jean Gilbert, Beverly MaloneJossey-Bassc2013.
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Lois A. Ritter, Nancy A. HoffmanJones and Bartlettc2010
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Elisa J. Sobo and Martha O. LoustaunauPraegerc2010
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Larry D. PurnellF.A. Davis Co.c2009
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Ligia M. HoubenSpringerc2012
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Augustus A. White III, with David ChanoffHarvard University Press2011
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edited by Daryl E.M. FujiiTaylor & Francisc2011
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Rachel E. SpectorPearson Prentice Hallc2009
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edited by Fabricio E. Balcazar ... [et al.]Jones and Bartlett Pub.c2010
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