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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This volume examines the process ......centralisation in India since the 1992 leg......owers to local government bodies to ensu...... participation in local governance and planning. It studies the functioning of gram sabha......MGNREGS, analysing their effectiveness and tracing the political, administrative, and ......wers the local government wields. With c......from different Indian states, the book examines the functioning of local gove......mechanisms and institutions in relation to cr......on, peace-building, economic dev......prehensive and insightful, this ......ogy, public administration, and ......lly those focusing on India
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government--India Local government--India Decentralization in government. Local government. India.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents1. Introduction to the handbook on decentralization, devolution an......2. Conceptualizing and measuring decentralization / Paolo Dardanelli 3. Exploring and explaining trends in decentralization / Arjan H. Sch......Amat and Emmy Lindstam 6. The political determinants of decentralization / Amuitz Garmendia Part II: Decentralization in comparative perspective 7. Decentralization and subnational politics in Latin America / Jorge Gordin 8. Decentralization and subnational politics in Asia / Sarah S......-Rosenfield 9. Decentralization and subnational politics in North America ......Rodríguez 10. Decentralization and subnational politics in w...
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government Decentralization in government--Social aspects State, The
- Related MaterialElgar handbooks in political science
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book examines the increasing territorialis......lution, presenting a long-term a......l developments in the United Kingdom since the end of t......the book looks into the undermining of the tradit......ode of British government as a result. I......e the Scottish Independence Refe......s their underlying causes. The a......ts to the changing nature of dev...... how the deepening of devolution......tish system of government. Finally, the book ......r Party is turning more and more into a long-term minority party as ......policy-makers, interested in a better understanding of comparativ......and devolution in general, as well as in the mo...
- ContentsChapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The principles of majoritarian government Chapter 3: The......ty competition in the United Kingdom Chapter 4:......apter 5: Measuring the territori......ty competition in the era of Territorialisation...
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government--Great Britain Decentralization in government. Politics and government. Great Britain--Politics and government Great Britain.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPublic administration--South Africa Decentralization in government--South Africa ......n of authority Decentralization in government Public administration South Africa
- Author HeadingCameron, Robert (Professor of Public Administration)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government--Great Britain Regionalism--Great Britain Decentralization in government. Politics and government. Regionalism. Great Britain--Politics and government--1997-2007 Great Britain.
- Related MaterialConstitutional policy and territorial politics in the UK
- Periodical TitleConstitutional policy and territorial politics in the UK
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... toolbox of definitions and typo......The volume examines systems subnational governments, are incomplete or non......ent. Understanding why complete and functioning of subnationa......n co-exist and interact. The ter......gnized as explaining how a suprana...... levels. Broad in scope, the boo......e possible meanings, uses and ch...... constitutions in a variety of p......elops the building blocks of an ...... for all those interested in comparative constitutional la...
- Contents...tionalism : defining subnational c......stitutionalism in Argentina : provincial autonomy in a uninational federat......stitutionalism in Australia : state autonomy in a uninational federat......stitutionalism in Austria : the ......stitutionalism in Belgium : a matter of abstained maturity / P......stitutionalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina : towering sub-national ......l level to all intents and purpo......stitutionalism in Brazil : the s......ions for improving Brazilian fed......stitutionalism in Canada : a hys......pproach to distinctive constitut......stitutionalism in Ethiopia : con......stitutionalism in Germany : constitutional auto...
- Subject HeadingConstitutional law Federal government Subnational governments Decentralization in government--Law and legis......on Comparative government Comparative government. Constitutional law. Decentralization in government--Law and legis......ation. Federal government. Subnational governments.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government--Great Britain Great Britain--Politics and government--21st century Grande-Bretagne...
- Title HeadingEmerald points
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsMachine generated con......ty Politics of Decentralization: Theory, Definitions, Researc......Methods 2. Setting the Scene: Th......and Pattern of Decentralization in Italy 3. Salience: Putting Decentralization on the Agenda:...... Art of Justifying Preferences.
- Subject HeadingPolitical parties--Italy. Decentralization in government--Italy. Italy--Politics and government. Decentralization in government. Political par....... Politics and government. Italy.
- Author HeadingBasile, Linda.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.As authoritarian states in the MENA region are under increasing international pre......ical power, Janine A. Clark examines why Morocco initiated a process of decentralization as early as th......t paths. According to the World ......ank, political decentralization promises great......rvices via the inclusion of civi......society actors in municipal decision-making. Clark challe......ors respond to decentralization reforms; and t......xtent to which decentralization, as opposed to......sive fieldwork in the two countr......rk argues that decentralization is a tactic au...... similarly use decentralization reforms to their advantage. M...
- ContentsIntroduction Coalition building and the socia......alization and "decentralization" in Jordan Decentralization, co-optation, ......e legitimation in Morocco The destabilizing effects of ce...... stabilization in Morocco Morocco's opposition ...
- Subject HeadingMunicipal government--Jordan. Decentralization in government--Jordan. Jorda......--Politics and government. Municipal government--Morocco. Decentralization in government--Morocco. Moro......--Politics and government. Decentralization in government. Municipal government. Politics and government. Jordan. Morocco.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This handbook examines twenty-five ......nd development in India. It provide...... developments since the introduction of d......s the measures initiated to stre...... decentralised institutions and ......and challenges involved to achie......ution of power in India, administrative and f......ntralised planning, Panchayats in scheduled area...... capacity building, ICT for loca......Panchayati Raj institutions from...... first of its kind, this sociology, Indian politics, Indian government, public policy and governance...
- ContentsPart 1. The Setting. Decentralize......nd development in India : An introduction Seeing PRIs in India and their H...... Dimensions of Decentralization. Political decentralization : Role of poli......ernance and administrative decentralization : An institutional analysis Fiscal decentralization in India : Status and raising issues State ......e level fiscal decentralization in India : Theoretic......ntralized planning in India : Challenge......Panchayati Raj institutions in fifth scheduled areas of Indian states : I......zed governance in India : The antic...... unanticipated Interrogating local democra......y : Formal and informal local governance in Kar...
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government--India Rural devel......tical aspects--India POLITICAL S......ENCE / General Decentralization in government. Rural develop......tical aspects. India.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Indian Administration: A Fo......ffers a modern introduction to and functioning of Indian public administration. The ...... developed keeping in mind the various c......ceptual shifts in the idea and p......undamentals of Indian administration and i......s of public administration theor...... practices. Beginning with the evol......y stages of administrative functions in independent India, the book e......e Constitution in creating the framework......vides critical insights into the governance in India, the crucia......role of ethics in governance and......ial welfare administration. This comprehensive ...
- ContentsEvolutionary history of Indian administration Const......on Council of Ministers and gove......yth Central administration : str...... governance Administering federalism and IGR Administration of th......ce District administration : gov......nance practice Decentralization and rural loca......vernance Urban decentralization and local governance Managing control over ......expenditure Administering law and order......ial welfare administration Reflections on administrative refor......ervants Ethics in governance Ombudsman : a citi...
- Subject HeadingPublic administration--India. Decentralization in government--India. India--Politics and government. Decentralization in government. Politics and government. Public administration. India.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPublic administration--China Decentralization in government--China Central-local government relations--China Administration publi......e (Science)--Chine Relations gou......és locales--Chine Central-local government relations Decentralization in government Public administration China
- Note (Content)China has tradition......m of public administration. But ...... does this remain true of modern China? This book on modern China through a series of cutting edge, original studies focusing on public administration in China
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNation-state Decentralization in government--Great Britain Nation nations. Great Britain--Politics and government--History--21st century Grande...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Federal countries face innumerable challenges including public health......conomic uncertainty, and widespr......ublic distrust in governing institutions. The......opulation. Rethinking Decentralization explores the q......essful federal government by examining the unique ro......blic attitudes in maintaining the fragile institutions of f......ower levels of government and the extent...... but rarely defined. Jacob Deem ...... the test, examining public attitudes in Australia, Bel......ifestations of decentralization, subsidiarity,......f its history, institutions, and...... Essential reading for policymak...... citizens, Rethinking Decentralization re-centr...
- ContentsIntroduction Understanding Federal Polit......y Lost Its meaning Charting a New Course: Measuring Public Value ......ium and France Decentralization and Successful......: Subsidiarity in the Map of Federal Political ...
- Subject HeadingFederal government Subsidiarity Decentralization in government Political part......tralisation administrative Parti......e federations. decentralization. POLITICAL SCIENCE / World / ...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ty (Great Britain) Conservative ......litical party) Decentralization in government--Scotland. Decentralization in government--Wales. Decentralization in government. Politics and government. Scotland--Politics and government--21st century.......--Politics and government--21st century. Scotland. Wale...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBurnham, Andy Rotheram, Steve Decentralization in government--England--Grea......--21st century Decentralization in government--England--Live......rre--Liverpool Decentralization in government Mayors Politics and government Greater Manche......--Politics and government--21st century ......--Politics and government--21st century England--Greate...
- Author HeadingBlakeley, Georgina Evans, Brendan, 1944-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....refore depends in large part on ......hether and how governments within federal system...... This volume brings together leading experts to ex......stems help or hinder efforts to ......onditions that influence the out......te governance. Including in-depth case stu...... practitioners interested in climate govern......ices for enhancing climate action. This title i...
- Contents...federalism: an introduction / Al......Sébastien Jodoin & Joana Setzer......and federalism in Australia / Al......and federalism in Brazil / Ferna......and federalism in Canada / Kathr......asi-Federalism in China / Hongtao Yi ......and federalism in Ethiopia / Yal......and federalism in European Union......and federalism in Germany / Pete......ckersley, Kristine Kern, Wolfgan......and federalism in India / Navroz Du......Governance and Decentralization in Indonesia / Monic......and federalism in Mexico / Marco......and federalism in Spain / Susana Galer......and Mario Kölling Climate gover......and federalism in Switzerland / Karin Ingold, M...
- Subject HeadingClimate change mitigation--Government policy--Case studies Federal government--Case studies Decentralization in government--Case studies
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Drawing on extensive primary interview data within the Welsh poli...... a period spanning more than a d......lsh devolution in a context of e......onomic crisis, institutional uncertainty and comparative soul-searching. Cole and Sta...... emphasise contingency, doubt an......U), as much as internal dynamics......positive image in public opinion, however, t......e the most pertinent one in those areas th......elsh citizens, including health, educa......political and financial responsi...... about the machinery of government.
- ContentsChapter 1: Devolution in Wales between ......ity and Constraint Chapter 2: 'T......ublic services in a period of ec......on: Devolution in Wales future challenges.
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government--Wales. Wales--Politics and government--21st century. Decentralization in government. Politics and government Wales.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....́formes des administrations publiques locales, inflation normati......core tensions financières... Au......̀nes qui redessinent les contours contemporains de la décent......lexifient et s'internationalisen......ive. Synthèse inédite, ce dict......juridique, ses institutions, ses...... il offre un point de vue comple......ue pluridisciplinaire, pédagogi......ndatrices. Son index thématique et les référ...
- Subject HeadingDecentralization in government--France--Dicti......-French. Local government--France--Dictionaries. Decentralization in government--Dictionaries--French. Local government--Dictionaries. Local government. Decentralization in government. France.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsMachine generated con......tion and Local Government Finance in the Western Ba......verview / Katarina Dulic pt. I E......ical Imbalance in Local Government Financing / Zan Jan Opl......ik 3. Croatia: Instruments of Fi......als, and Local Government Debt 4. Serbia: Local Government Financing and Data / Katarina Dulic 5. Mont......ia and Herzegovina: Local Government Debt / Lejla L...... pt. III Local Governments in Transition and......cedonia: Local Government Efficiency and......lbania: Struggling with the Lega...... Albania: Aligning Territorial and Fiscal Decen...
- Subject HeadingLocal finance--Balkan Peninsula. Local finance--Former Yu......lav republics. Decentralization in government--Balkan Peninsula. Decentralization in government--Former Yugoslav republics. Decentralization in government. Economic policy. Local finance. Politics and government. Former Yugosl......--Politics and government. Balkan Peninsula--Politics and government. Former Yugosl......icy. Balkan Peninsula--Economic ......icy. Balkan Peninsula. Yugoslavia.
- Author HeadingBartlett, William, 1950- Kmezić, Sanja. Đulić, Katarina.