editor in chief, Richard M. Kliman.Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier[2016]<RA2-B130>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEvolution (Biology)--Encyclopedias. Evolution (Biology) Evolution...
Michael Hutchins, series editor, Valerius Geist and Eric Pianka, advisory editors, in association with the Wildlife Society.Gale Cengage Learning[2011]
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEvolution (Biology)--Encyclopedias. Evolution (Biology)--Study an...
Greenwood Press2008.<X>
National Diet Library
Oxford University Press2002.<RA2-A155>
National Diet Library
editor in chief, Richard M. KlimanAcademic Press, an imprint of Elsevierc2016
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Michael RuseCambridge University Press2013
Other Libraries in Japan
Randy Moore and Mark D. DeckerUniversity of California Pressc2009
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Douglas Palmer ; illustrated by Peter BarrettUniversity of California Press2009
Other Libraries in Japan
Randy Moore and Mark D. DeckerGreenwood Press2008
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Richard Milner ; with a foreword by Ian Tattersall ; and a preface by Stephen Jay GouldUniversity of California Pressc2009
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Mark Pagel, editor in chiefOxford University Press2002
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Patrick H. ArmstrongGreenwood Press2007
Other Libraries in Japan