edited by Ferdinando Verderi, Isabel VeneroRizzoli International Publications, Inc.2023<EF25-D36>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
edited by Rex ButlerBloomsbury Visual Arts2023<EF25-D32>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ty industries. Fashion and art. Fashion design. Fashion desig...
edited by Andrea Kollnitz and Marco PecorariBloomsbury Visual Arts2023, c2022
Other Libraries in Japan
[guest curator, Francesco Risso ; editor-in-chief, Dan Thawley]A Publisher BVBAc2022
Other Libraries in Japan
[Lucie and Luke Meier , guest curators]A Publisher BVBAc2020
Other Libraries in Japan
[Pierpaolo Piccioli, guest curator]A Publisher BVBAc2019
Other Libraries in Japan
Terry Satsuki Milhaupt.Reaktion Books2014.<KB441-B46>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...History--1868- Fashion and art. Kimonos--Social aspects. Wome...
general editors: Madison Cox, Stephan Janson and Mouna Mekouar ; [translated from the French Yves Saint Laurent aux musées by Ruth Sharman]Thames & Hudson2022
Other Libraries in Japan
contributions by Jill Gasparina, Emmanuel Hermange, Taro Igarashi, Marie Le Fort, Ian Luna, Marie Maertens, Rebecca Mead, Cédric Morisset, Glenn O'Brien, Olivier Saillard, Valerie Steele & Philippe Trétiack.Rizzoli Interntional Publications, Inc.[2017]<KC521-B141>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...irm)--History. Fashion and art. Fashion and architecture. Lux...
[edited and designed by Études Studio]Rizzolic2018
Other Libraries in Japan
Alessandro Michele, guest curatorA Publisherc2016
Other Libraries in Japan
Nick Rees-RobertsBloomsbury Visual Arts2018
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Adam Geczy and Vicki KaraminasBerg2012
Other Libraries in Japan
John E. Vollmer, editor.5 Continents Editions[2016]<YP51-B455>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...apan--History. Fashion and art. Clothing and dress. Embroider...
5 continentsc2003.<EF25-B22>
National Diet Library
edited and authored by Roger Yorke ; with foreword by Kendall H BrownYorke Antique Textiles[2023]
Other Libraries in Japan
authors, Jos Arts, Els de Baan, Nanda van den Berg, Tamsin Blanchard, Andrea Kristić, Marco Pecorari, Marij Rynja, José Teunissen, Hanka van der Voet ; edited by José Teunissen, Hanka van der Voet & Jan BrandTerra ; Breda : MOTI[2013]
Other Libraries in Japan
Clare RoseV&A Publishingc2014
Other Libraries in Japan
Justyna KoekeArnoldsche Art Publishersc2016
Other Libraries in Japan
Florence DelayGallimardc2018
Other Libraries in Japan