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- Summary, etc.... the number of free riders (free rider re...... proportion of free riders . Third, CBPP is the most eff...
edited by Daniel R. BereskinE. Elgarc2023
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Kakita, Naoki, Nakamura, KazuyukiFaculty of economics, university of toyama2010-03-03Working Paper, No.249, 2010.03.03, Faculty of economics, university of toyama249p.1-25
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古澤, 泰治, 小西, 秀男Graduate School of Economics and Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University2008-03
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Yoshino, HisaoInstitute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO)2012-03-01IDE Discussion Paper350
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- Subject Heading...upply Function Free Riders