Search results 4
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading細胞周期 減数分裂周期 受精 G2/M G1/S移行 核外移出 cdc2キナーゼ Junキナーゼ
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingサイクリンA サイクリンB1 cdc2 +5BN4b2 細胞周期 G1期 G1/S 温度感受性変異株
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCIBZ Proliferation G1/S transition ES cells Nanog
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRb経路 G1/S期 cell cycle BY2 E2F PCNA
- Alternative TitleAnalysis of tobacco PCNA gene expression mechanism in G1/S transition of plant cell cycl...
- Alternative TitleAnalysis of tobacco PCNA gene expression mechanism in G1/S transition of plant cell cycl...