C. E. Tuttle Co.[1967]<796.352-S966g>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingGolf -- Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.
Chris Plumridge ; introduction by Terry Wogan ; illustrations by David HaldaneStanley Paul1985
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by William Price Fox ; illustrated by Charles RodriguesUniversity of South Carolina Press1984, c1963
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Peter Alliss ; illustrations by Colin WhittockCollins1982
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compiled by Susan Jeffreys ; foreword by Peter AllissGrafton Books1986
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Peter Alliss ; illustrations by Bill TidyCollins1980
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by Stephen Potter ; illustrated by Frank WilsonMcGraw-Hillc1968
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von Limmy ; [Schutzumschlag und Buchschmuck, Benita von Limburger]Münstertor, Bernhard von Limburger1967
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Henry LonghurstMacdonald & Co.1966
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGolf -- Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.
- Subject Heading (ID)Golf -- Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.
Richard Armour ; with illustrations by Leo HershfieldMcGraw-Hill1964, c1962
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