和田, 明哲, 飯塚, 俊明, 佐原, 宏典, 各務, 聡, 渡邊, 裕樹, 船瀬, 龍, 羽生, 宏人, WADA, Asato, IIZUKA, Toshiaki, SAHARA, Hironori, KAKAMI, Akira, WATANABE, Hiroki, FUNASE, Ryu, HABU, Hiroto宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)2021-02-12宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告: 将来深宇宙探査に向けた革新的超小型推進系研究グループ 2020年度研究成果報告書 = JAXA Research and Development Report: Technical Report of the Research Activity for Innovative Micro Propulsion Systems for Future Deep Space Explorations (2020)JAXA-RR-20-008p.13-19
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- Subject HeadingMicro-Propulsion Integration Propulsion System Micro-spacecraft Deep Space E...
- Note (General)...irmed that the integration propulsion systems of the higher thrust density...
- Alternative TitleTrade-Off Evaluation of the Integration Propulsion Systems for Space Explorations