Ryū Murakami, translated from the Japanese by Ralph McCarthy, Charles De Wolf and Ginny Tapley Takemori.Pushkin Press2013.<KH881-B32>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...rth)--Fiction. Japan--Economic conditions--Fiction. Dystopias--Fiction. Dystopias...
Thomas Dunne Books2009.<KH73-B3>
National Diet Library
Ryu Murakami ; translated from the Japanese by Ralph McCarthy, Charles De Wolf, and Ginny Tapley TakemoriPushkin Press2013
Other Libraries in Japan
Ryu Murakami ; translated from the Japanese by Ralph McCarthy, Charles De Wolf, and Ginny Tapley TakemoriPushkin2013
Other Libraries in Japan
Satoshi Azuchi ; translated by Paul WarhamThomas Dunne Books2009
Other Libraries in Japan