John Gower ; edited by Russell A. Peck ; with Latin translations by Andrew GallowayPublished for TEAMS in association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications2006-
Thomas Usk ; edited by R. Allen ShoafPublished for TEAMS (the Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages) in association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University1998
Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun ; édition d'après les manuscrits BN 12786 et BN 378, traduction, présentation et notes par Armand StrubelLibrairie générale française[1997], c1992
John Gower ; edited by Russell A. Peck ; with Latin translations by Andrew GallowayPublished for TEAMS in association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University2000-
Christine de Pizan ; a critical edition by Thelma S. FensterCenter for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton1995