Search results 7
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading麻疹ウイルス ヒトCD46 シグナル伝達分子 SHP-1 CD9 α3β1インテグリン Moesin 免疫抑制
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (ERM) SNAI1 Drug resistance
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading肺がん Snail P-gp 上皮間葉転換 薬物耐性 entinostat caveolin-1 ezrin radixin moesin がん悪性化
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading肺がん 上皮間葉転換 薬物耐性 がん悪性化 Snail P-gp entinostat caveolin-1 ezrin radixin moesin
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Moesin is a member of...... ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) family o......s in the human moesin gene cause a p......alled X-linked moesin-associated imm...... reported that moesin-deficient mice...... through which moesin defects cause ...... the kidney of moesin-deficient mice......accumulated in moesin-deficient kidn......monocytes from moesin-deficient mice......s suggest that moesin plays a role in regulating pa...
- Subject HeadingCXCL13 Lupus nephritis Moesin Patrolling monocytes Primary ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading再生不良性貧血 自己抗体 DRS-1 モエシン HLA-DR15 PNH aplastic anemia autoantigen moesin
- Note (General)...n proved to be moesin. When patients......nd recombinant moesin, 20 of 43 (46.......itive for anti-moesin antibodies. The antibody was ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...tic anemia DRS moesin paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglob...
- Note (General)...e autoantigen, moesin.We screened th...... kD protein as moesin. recombinant moesin showed high titers of anti-moesin Abs in 25 (37%......7 AA patients. Moesin was secreted f......esence of anti-moesin Abs was signif......ll response to moesin, possibly deri......ection of anti-moesin Abs in combination with other...