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- Subject HeadingHazard mitigation--Asia--Congresses. Natural disasters--Asia--Congresses.
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[Mohammad Kayum bin A. Badaruddin].Media Satria2008.<Y735-TS-6630>
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sous la direction de Sophie Boisseau du Rocher.La Documentation française[2011]<DC141-B129>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...-21st century. Natural disasters--Asia. Catastrophes naturelles--Asi...
edited by Troy SternbergRoutledge2018, c2017
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edited by Helen James and Douglas Paton ; with 24 other contributorsCharles C Thomasc2016
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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
United Nations, ESCAP2005-<Y515-B69>
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edited by J.P. Terry and J. GoffGeological Society2012
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Indrajit Pal, Tuhin GhoshSage2018
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images by Marco Garcia, featured in an East-West Center exhibitionEast-West Centerc2005
Other Libraries in Japan
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificUnited Nations1990
Other Libraries in Japan
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, ThailandUnited Nations1991
Other Libraries in Japan
Greg BankoffRoutledgeCurzon2003
Other Libraries in Japan