足立, 聡, 髙橋, 和生, 東辻, 浩夫, Adachi, Satoshi, Takahashi, Kazuo, Totsuji, Hiroo宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)2015-03-16宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development Report: Results on International Collaboration of Complex Plasmas in Microgravity and on Earth by Use of PK-3 Plus FacilityJAXA-RR-14-012Ep.1-6
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingComplex Plasmas PK-3 Plus Microgravity ISS
- Note (General)...ratus is named PK-3 Plus, which is the ......diagnostics of PK-3 Plus. Therefore, indispensable par...
東辻, 浩夫, 髙橋, 和生, 足立, 聡, Totsuji, Hiroo, Takahashi, Kazuo, Adachi, Satoshi宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)2015-03-16宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development Report: Results on International Collaboration of Complex Plasmas in Microgravity and on Earth by Use of PK-3 Plus FacilityJAXA-RR-14-012Ep.13-22
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingFine Particle Plasmas Strong Coupling Critical Point PK-3 Plus Microgravity ISS
- Note (General)...rs realized in PK-3 PLUS are analyzed in relation to t...
髙橋, 和生, 足立, 聡, 東辻, 浩夫, Takahashi, Kazuo, Adachi, Satoshi, Totsuji, Hiroo宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)2015-03-16宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development Report: Results on International Collaboration of Complex Plasmas in Microgravity and on Earth by Use of PK-3 Plus FacilityJAXA-RR-14-012Ep.7-11
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDusty Plasma Fine Particle Plasma Complex Plasma PK-3 Plus Microgravity ISS
- Note (General)...eration of the PK-3 plus flight module on the Internat...