Search results 4
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPhenylhydrazine -- Toxicology. Phenylhydrazine -- Environmental aspects. Eco...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPhenylhydrazine ラット 急性肺血栓症 rat acute pulmonar...
- Alternative TitleStudies on pathogenesis of acute thrombosis in Phenylhydrazine treated rat
- Alternative TitleStudies on pathogenesis of acute thrombosis in Phenylhydrazine treated rat
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNaphthoquinone Benzeneazonaphthol Phenylhydrazine
- Subject Heading (ID)Naphthoquinone Benzeneazonaphthol Phenylhydrazine
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPhenylhydrazine ラット 急性肺血栓症 rat acute pulmonar...
- Alternative TitleStudies on pathogenesis of acute thrombosis in Phenylhydrazine treated rat
- Alternative TitleStudies on pathogenesis of acute thrombosis in Phenylhydrazine treated rat