Search results 24
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMoraes, Vinícius de. Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCastro Alves, Antônio de, 1847-1871 Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Castro Alves, Antônio de, 1847-1871 Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...interpretation Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- History an...
- Subject Heading (ID)...interpretation Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- History an...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGonzaga, Tomás Antônio, 1744-1807? Poets, Brazilian -- 18th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Gonzaga, Tomás Antônio, 1744-1807? Poets, Brazilian -- 18th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAnchieta, José de, 1534-1597 Poets, Brazilian -- 16th century Christian poe...
- Subject Heading (ID)Anchieta, José de, 1534-1597 Poets, Brazilian -- 16th century Christian poe...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMoraes, Vinícius de Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Moraes, Vinícius de Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...hives Catalogs Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century Archives Cata...
- Subject Heading (ID)...hives Catalogs Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century Archives Cata...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMoraes, Vinícius de Popular music -- Brazil Lyricists -- Brazil Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century
- Subject Heading (ID)Moraes, Vinícius de Popular music -- Brazil Lyricists -- Brazil Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... de, 1902-1987 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th centur......7 -- Portraits Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Portraits
- Subject Heading (ID)... de, 1902-1987 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th centur......7 -- Portraits Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Portraits
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPoets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Interviews
- Subject Heading (ID)Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Interviews
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBandeira, Manuel, 1886-1968 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Bandeira, Manuel, 1886-1968 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAlves, Castro, 1847-1871 Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Alves, Castro, 1847-1871 Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTeixeira, Bento, approximately 1560-1618 -- Religion Poets, Brazilian -- 16th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Teixeira, Bento, approximately 1560-1618 -- Religion Poets, Brazilian -- 16th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMatos, Gregório de, 1623-1696 -- Biography Poets, Brazilian -- 17th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Matos, Gregório de, 1623-1696 -- Biography Poets, Brazilian -- 17th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBandeira, Manuel, 1886-1968 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Bandeira, Manuel, 1886-1968 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCardozo, Joaquim Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography ...
- Subject Heading (ID)Cardozo, Joaquim Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAnjos, Augusto dos, 1884-1914 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Anjos, Augusto dos, 1884-1914 Poets, Brazilian -- 20th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAlves, Castro, 1847-1871 Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)Alves, Castro, 1847-1871 Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...interpretation Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
- Subject Heading (ID)...interpretation Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... and criticism Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography ...
- Subject Heading (ID)... and criticism Poets, Brazilian -- 19th century -- Biography ...