Search results 5,038
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, research on poverty and inequality......onal trends in poverty and inequality......ues related to poverty and inequality...... have affected poverty and inequality...... analysis into poverty and inequality......ed in reducing poverty and inequality globally. --
- ContentsIntroduction to poverty and inequality......nal frameworks Poverty measurement: E......elative income poverty measurement: A...... approaches to poverty and gender ine......ltidimensional poverty / Francesco Bu......ltidimensional poverty in Latin Ameri......ltidimensional poverty in the United ......ltidimensional poverty in Hong Kong: ...... Siu Ming Chan Poverty, social mobili......ltidimensional poverty in India: A re......he dynamics of poverty and protection, poverty, and inequalit......ndo Barrientos Poverty and inequality......s / Bent Greve Poverty in Mexico: Tre......crofinance and poverty reduction in Bangladesh / Moh...
- Subject HeadingPoverty Equality Pauvreté poverty.
National Diet Library
- Summary, not lead to poverty reduction. How......using multiple poverty lines and time...... of growth and poverty. It reviews ex......literatures on poverty dynamics and i......of growth; ii) poverty traps; iii) public action or ...
- Subject HeadingEconomic development Poverty Développement économique Pauvreté economic development. poverty.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....esh debates on poverty and its impact...... and causes of poverty, as well as th......concerned with poverty and the welfar......tical studies, poverty studies, population and demog...
- Contents... I: Theorizing Poverty : Global South...... Transition 1. Poverty-Free Fantasy: ......ic Housing and Poverty Alleviation in......obalization on Poverty in India: Pursuits on Poverty in India: Limi......ayana PART II: Poverty and 6. Reducing Poverty Requires Inves......mental Bane of Poverty Alleviation in......ephen Dauda 8. Poverty and Elderly's ......bdul Latiff 9. Poverty among Rural Moonga 10. Poverty and Social Pro...... 12. Trouncing Poverty through Women'......K. Minimol 13. Poverty and Sex Work M......rk Briskey 15. Poverty and Microfinan......ubramaniam 16. Poverty and Access to Land in Rural E...
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Developing co......CIAL SCIENCE / Poverty SOCIAL SCIENCE / General Poverty Developing countries
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Understanding Global Poverty introduces stu......nd analysis of poverty, helping them aspects of poverty, keeping the v...... the causes of poverty and how poverty reduction to reduce poverty and what actio......lity relate to poverty. Fully interdi......tanding Global Poverty will also be a valuable resou...
- Contents... understanding poverty Development an......easurements of poverty and wellbeing Health and poverty Geographical and spatial poverty Race, class, gender, and poverty State institut......overnance, and poverty Conflict and poverty Migration and poverty reduction Education as poverty reduction The ......nvironment and poverty reduction Fina......o about global poverty? Appendix : careers in intern...
- Subject HeadingPoverty Economic development Economic development. Poverty.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....tes, issues of poverty and homelessne...... disparity. In Poverty and Austerity ......sing levels of poverty and homelessne......rrow ways that poverty and homelessne......examination of poverty in these relating to poverty under control.......ged to explain poverty and homelessne......o the study of poverty are better equ......eradication of poverty will only happen when the soc...
- ContentsPoverty Matters: Intro......uction What Is Poverty? Conceptualizi...... and Measuring Poverty Poverty in Three Anglo...... and Impact of Poverty Poverty and the Welfar......planations for Poverty : Biogenetic and "Culture of Poverty" Accounts Soci......planations for Poverty : Systemic and Sociopolitical...
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Canada Poverty--Great Britain Poverty--United States Poverty. Canada. Great Britain. Unite...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Action on Poverty in the UK is a...... the action on poverty conversation on the anti-poverty agenda and to ......p in Action on Poverty, at Staffordsh......p in Action on Poverty, and Social We......p in Action on Poverty at Staffordshi......p in Action on Poverty and the Social Welfare Law, P...
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Great Britain--Prevention Poverty--Government po......nd government. Poverty--Government policy. Poverty--Prevention. Great Britain--P...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Prevention Poverty--Government po......ectronic books Poverty--Government policy. Poverty--Prevention. Sustainable deve...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPoverty
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....arth, has more poverty than any other......rations to pay poverty wages? In this......alleviation of poverty, designing a w......ase for ending poverty. He calls on u...... all to become poverty abolitionists, engaged in a p...
- ContentsThe kind of problem poverty is Why haven't......vest in ending poverty Empower the poor Tear down th...
- Subject HeadingPoverty--United States Poverty--Prevention Po......-United States Poverty Poverty--prevention & ......Unis Pauvreté poverty. SOCIAL SCIENC......CIAL SCIENCE / Poverty & Homelessness......ic conditions. Poverty. Poor--United States. United ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....n the study of poverty and inequality......stion: What is poverty and how much o......persistence of poverty--in rich and p......measurement of poverty is essential f......ination of how poverty is--and should...... and extent of poverty across the wor......both financial poverty and other indi......the meaning of poverty, translates th......easurements of poverty with countries...... chapters: how poverty relates to gro......s to alleviate poverty around the world."--Provided ...
- Subject HeadingWelt Poverty. Poverty--Research. Poverty--Case studies. Equality. Armu...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... dimensions of poverty in their count......s as causes of poverty. This in-depth......s old risks of poverty have worsened,......derstanding of poverty in Italy that is even more cr...
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Italy Economic history. Poverty. Italy--Economic conditions I...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Poverty in Contemporar......ght deals with poverty, including its......hapters relate poverty to income dist......the point that poverty is not always ......oth individual poverty and the poverty of nations in ......he approach to poverty differs from e......ues related to poverty in each epoch,......e economics of poverty"--
- Subject HeadingPoverty Marginality, S......ality, Social. Poverty. Public welfare. Social polic...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...uperiority and poverty What is the li......o case studies Poverty vs welfare 12. Do we really w...
- Subject HeadingPoverty Poor Minorities--Economic conditions Minorities--Economic conditions. Poor. Poverty.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Research--China Poverty--Research--United States Poverty--Research--Japan Poverty--Research. China. Japan. Unit...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....n the field of poverty measurement. constitutes poverty and associated poverty measures, as w......roaches to set poverty lines for both......ational income poverty measures, multidimensional poverty indices, and ways to capture poverty dynamics.
- Contents...n of the Watts Poverty Index', Econom......a Sen (1976), 'Poverty: An Ordinal Ap......f Decomposable Poverty Measures', Eco......Measurement of Poverty', Econometrica......Measurement of Poverty-A Rejoinder to......Measurement of Poverty: A Reply to Look at the Poverty Profile', Soci......Measuring Food Poverty Applied to Ken......ow Robust is a Poverty Profile', Monitoring Poverty in Bangladesh,......), 'Redefining Poverty and Redistribu...... of Subjective Poverty Definitions', ......0), 'Measuring Poverty Using Qualitat......Inequality and Poverty: Sensitivity E......'Widowhood and Poverty in Rural India: Some Inferenc...
- Subject HeadingPoverty. Poverty--Measurement.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... written about poverty. In my opinion......ghest rates of poverty among the wealthy countries"-...
- Subject HeadingPoverty--United States United States-...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, deeper into poverty. Analysing how social safety ...
- Subject Heading...Social aspects Poverty--Government po......-Aspect social Poverty--Government policy Developing...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book examines poverty in the context...... the nature of poverty and responses to it.
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Case studies. Poverty--Cross-cultura......tural studies. Poverty. Social policy.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPoverty--China. Poverty--Government po......mestic--China. Poverty--Developing co......nce, Domestic. Poverty. Poverty--Government policy. China. De...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...lict sensitive poverty alleviation Political economy...
- Subject HeadingPoverty--Government countries Poverty--Developing co......conomic policy Poverty--Government policy Poverty--Psychological aspects Social...