by Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr. ; photography by the author unless otherwise attributed ; with original art by William C. Ober and Claire GarrisonSugar Spring Press1998
C. N. Smithers. Nephtyidae (Polychaeta: Errantia) from Australia / S. Rainer and P. A. Hutchings. A revision of the Damselfish genus Dascyllus (Pomacentridae) with the description of a new species / H. A. Randall and G. R. AllenAustralian Museum1977
W. F. Ponder and E. K. Yoo. A new family of Asteroidea (Echinodermata), with the description of five new species and one new subspecies of Asterodiscides / F. W. E. Rowe. The status of Nardoa (Andora) A. M. Clark, 1967 (Asteroidea: Ophidiasteridae), with the description of two new subgenera and three new species / F. W. E. RoweAustralian Museum1977