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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingサブスタンスP (substance P) VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptides) 鼻分泌液 鼻アレルギー ヒスタミン誘発 抗原誘発 抗アレ...
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
edited by Hubert Vaudry and Marc LaburtheBlackwell Pub. on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences2006
Other Libraries in Japan
editors, Jan Fahrenkrug, Sami I. SaidNew York Academy of Sciences2000
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingVasoactive intestinal peptides -- Congresses Peptide hormone...
- Subject Heading (ID)Vasoactive intestinal peptides -- Congresses Peptide hormone...
editor, Sami I. SaidRaven Pressc1982
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingVasoactive intestinal peptides Gastrointestinal hormones
- Subject Heading (ID)Vasoactive intestinal peptides Gastrointestinal hormones
edited by Sami I. Said and Viktor MuttNew York Academy of Sciences1988
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingVasoactive intestinal peptides -- Congresses Peptide hormone...
- Subject Heading (ID)Vasoactive intestinal peptides -- Congresses Peptide hormone...
edited by J.A. Bevan ... [et al.]Published for the ICSU Press by IRL Pressc1988
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- Subject Heading... -- Congresses Vasoactive intestinal peptides -- Congresses
- Subject Heading (ID)... -- Congresses Vasoactive intestinal peptides -- Congresses