Search results 2,619
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....endence of the caste system such th......ia. It locates caste as not only a social problem,...
- Subject HeadingCaste--India Caste. India.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....standing about caste panchayats as ......ution of intra-caste governance fro......odoxies in the caste scholarship. M...... definition of caste based politica......ganisations as caste became a subje......persistence of caste-based conserva...... so to say, of caste-based democrat......limitations of caste politics from ......imagination of caste as an identity......ial aspects of caste to purse the o......empowerment of caste through the pu......nnihilation of caste, as eventually mutual goals. ...
- Contents1 Introduction: Studying Caste Panchayats 2 The Caste Panchayat, Caste Governance and......he Long View 3 Caste Panchayats Today 4 Intra- Caste purity and Soc......stracisation 5 Caste Endogamy 6 Conclusions Refere...
- Subject HeadingCaste--India Caste--Political asp......dia Panchayat. Caste. Caste--Political aspects. India.
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingsemi-solid / twin roll caster / strip casting / cooling sl...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingmagnesium alloys / twin roll caster / strip casting / semisolid ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....enomenology of caste and untouchabi......n the study of caste and untouchability, this book...
- Subject HeadingCaste--India. Social stratification--India. Brahmans. Dalits. Caste. Social conditions. India.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."'Caste', a word norma......nce to certain caste formations fou......'Danzaemon' outcaste order. This or......a 17th century caste configuration ......expected of outcastes within the Japan as a caste society, this ......sons of how outcaste communities' h......ation based on caste logic. This book will appeal ...
- Subject HeadingCaste--Japan--History. Caste-based discrimination--Japan--...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ted from their caste affiliation ru......ndia is a post-caste nation. In The Caste of Merit, Ajan...... education and caste formation and ...... explains that caste has not disapp...... invisibility. Caste is now borne by the lower castes who invoke th......ate. The upper castes, by contrast,...... embarrassing. Caste privilege, Sub......idation of low-caste Indians appear in newspaper h...
- Subject Heading...hennai, India) Caste--India. Caste-based discrimi......zation--India. Caste. Caste-based discrimination. Discrim...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...ia--Congresses Caste--India--Congresses Caste-based discrimi......ia--Congresses Caste Caste-based discrimination Elite (S...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCaste--India. Class ......lasses--India. Caste. Class consciousness. Social ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....native view of caste in Indian soci......y by analyzing caste structure and change in local...
- Contents...Reconsidering 'Caste', 'Community' and 'State' Ear...
- Subject HeadingCaste--India--Khurda......rda (District) Caste. Ethnic relations. Social cla...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCaste--India. Sex di......nation--India. Caste. Muslim women--Social conditi...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....spects such as caste, migration, mo......derstanding of caste as a system, caste mobility, caste--class argues that caste as a system ha...... to exist, but caste persists discretely as a non-...
- Contents...Reinterpreting caste Caste, inequality and social mobili...
- Subject HeadingCaste--India. Equali......bility--India. Caste. Equality. Social mobility. I...