Search results 3
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingmetastasis cell stiffness atomic force microscopy osteo...
- Note (General)... patients. The cell stiffness of several tum......oma depends on cell stiffness. In this study......e analyzed the cell stiffness of the low met......88 phalloidin. Cell stiffness was measured u...... intensity and cell stiffness in both LM8 an......tin levels and cell stiffness than cells wit......tin status and cell stiffness in osteosarcom......n dynamics and cell stiffness is an important quantitative ...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...age processing Cell stiffness measurement Hertz model
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... patients. The cell stiffness of several tum......oma depends on cell stiffness. In this study......e analyzed the cell stiffness of the low met......88 phalloidin. Cell stiffness was measured u...... intensity and cell stiffness in both LM8 an......tin levels and cell stiffness than cells wit......tin status and cell stiffness in osteosarcom......n dynamics and cell stiffness is an important quantitative ...
- Subject Headingmetastasis cell stiffness atomic force microscopy osteo...