Search results 65
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingcaries / pH censer / demineralization / streptococci / dentin / PCR
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading腫瘍性骨軟化症 / 免疫染色 / Dentin matrix protein 1 / 電顕
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingdentin matrix protein 1 / 発現制御 / 石灰化...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDentin formation FGF receptor Odontoblasts Secondary dentin Tooth eruption
- Note (General)...ortant role in dentin formation duri......dy, to examine dentin formation afte......y and tertiary dentin, we analyzed t......tion. qPCR for Dentin sialo reactionary dentin at 8 weeks old......y and tertiary dentin formation. Moreover, our modi...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Reparative dentin formed by dent...... of reparative dentin formation. The...... of reparative dentin. Senescent cells may be targe...
- Subject HeadingSenescence senolytics cavity preparation reparative dentin
- Alternative Title... of reparative dentin formation by senolytics
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNd: YAG laser TiO2 dentin hypersensitivity
- Note (General)...on its use for dentin hypersensitivi......h TiO2 through dentin, the transmitt......f the laser on dentinal tubules, Nd:......ted to a model dentin affected with ......ivity, and the dentin permeability i......est teeth, and dentin disc specimens......ration through dentinThe one to five dentin discs, and the......d for a single dentin disc.Experimen......Examination of dentinal tubule seali......sured, and the dentin disc surface w......smittance into dentin significantly ......ith increasing dentin thickness unde......O2 solution on dentinal tubules, the......howed that the dentinal tubules were sealed by cohe...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading遺伝性象牙質形成不全症 dentin matrix protein 1 dentin sialophosphoprotein ameloblas...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDentine Bridge Pulp Capping 神経終末 Syn...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPolymerization Bonding system Push-out Bond strength Root canal dentin
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingsealing ability dentin hypersensitivity model high p...
- Note (General)...rmore, exposed dentin is a cause of dentin hypersensitivi......mel cracks and dentinal tubules. Con......mel cracks and dentinal tubules with resin-based dentin desensitizers,...... specimens and dentin disc specimens......amel crack and dentinal tubule perme...... specimens and dentin disc specimens......on rate of the dentinal tubules in t......mel cracks and dentinal tubules betw......mel cracks and dentin was covered wi......rated into the dentinal tubules. How......enetrating the dentinal tubules in t......ghtly into the dentinal tubules in t......mel cracks and dentinal tubules. 2020年度
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDentin-pulp complex cell sheet regen...
- Note (General)The dentin-pulp complex i...... damage to the dentin-pulp complex, ......regenerate the dentin-pulp complex i......pacity to form dentin-like tissue wa......hat of natural dentin. In contrast, ......irmed that the dentin-like tissue ge......tic markers of dentin but not bone e......f regenerating dentin-pulp complex using a bioengin...
- Alternative Title積層細胞シート化技術を用いた象牙質 : 歯髄複合組織の再生 Dentin-pulp regeneration by 3D layer...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....h adhesives to dentin and to verify ......rength test in dentin. [Material and......SiC paper-flat dentin surfaces accor......dle portion of dentin and bonded wit...... and different dentin discs thicknes......In EXP-3: 1-mm dentin discs were use......pulpal side of dentin disc. Samples ......esives. EXP-2: Dentin thickness of 1......d adhesives to dentin. EXP-3: Differ......f adhesives to dentin. It will applicable when if t...
- Subject HeadingDentin dentin bonding self-etch adhesive sy...
- Alternative Title...f adhesives to dentin?
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingdentin matrix protein 1 骨細胞 トランスジエニツ...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingdelayed Allergy contact dermatitis HEMA dentin primer Maximization Test
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingfTCP フッ化ジアミン銀 超音波測定 再石灰化 象牙質 silver diamine fluoride ultrasonic measurement remineralization dentin
- Alternative TitleInfluence of dentifrices and silver diamine fluoride on dentin remineralization
- Alternative TitleInfluence of dentifrices and silver diamine fluoride on dentin remineralization
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDentin-pulp complex Calcium hydroxid...
- Related Material...actions of the Dentin-Pulp Complex to Calcium Hydro...
- Alternative TitleReactions of the Dentin-Pulp Complex to Calcium Hydro...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading遺伝子導入治療 象牙質・歯髄再生 BMPs 歯髄組織幹細胞 修復象牙質 象牙芽細胞 Dentin Sialoprotein
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading象牙質知覚過敏症 封鎖性 知覚過敏症罹患モデル象牙質 Dentin hypersensitivity Sealability Model of hypersensitive dentin
- Note (General)...with transient dentin hypersensitivi......e treatment of dentin hypersensitivi......udy focused on dentin desensitizers and their dentinal tubular solubility. The dentin permeability i......hypersensitive dentin. In addition, ......ated. Methods: Dentin discs were pre......four different dentin desensitizer p...... week, and the dentin permeability w......W group of all dentin desensitizers, the dentin permeability i......led water, all dentin desensitizers ......ability of the dentinal tubules. Whe......raoral cavity, dentin desensitizers ......ability of the dentinal tubules, suggesting a bioac...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...leasing filler dentin erosion OCT ultrasonic veloci...