Search results 2,308
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Routledge Global Haiku Reader provide......examination of haiku across the who explore haiku's various and study: Haiku in Transit, Haiku and Social Consciousness, Haiku and Experiment......ture of Global Haiku. An insightful......uction surveys haiku's influence be......umptions about haiku and laying the......eing the form. Haiku's elusiveness,......utledge Global Haiku Reader ushers haiku into the twenty-first century...
- ContentsIntroduction / James Shea Haiku in transit. Beyond the haiku moment: Bashō......son and modern haiku myths / Haruo ......n / James Shea Haiku and social con...... art of modern haiku / Takeo Kuwaba...... atomic bombs: haiku during the Asi......ato New rising haiku: the evolution......odern Japanese haiku and the haiku persecution in......udith Halebsky Haiku and experiment......inobu Hakutani Haiku as a western g......ative America: haiku, elegy, surviv......glish-language haiku / Richard Gilb......ture of global haiku. Non-Japanese haiku today / Grant ...... traditions in haiku / Charles Trum......e reception of haiku in post-Soviet Russia / Céci...
- Subject HeadingHaiku--History and criticism Haiku.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....mejor poeta de haiku de Japón, sin......para elevar el haiku a su máxima expresión artí...
- Genre/Form TermsHaikus Antologías
- Subject HeadingHaiku--S.XVI Haiku--S.XVII
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingHaiku Waka Japanese poetry
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingJapanisch Haiku
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Haiku, Other Arts, a......development of haiku in Japan and d......lationships of haiku with other art......backgrounds of haiku, such as liter...... that underlie haiku composition"--
- ContentsPart I: Haiku and other arts Classic Haiku and Cy Twombly......iuchi Buson as Haiku poet and paint......Jack Kerouac’s haiku and the beat g......chez’s Morning Haiku and blues musi......ames Emanuel’s haiku and jazz / Yos...... Ross Part II: Haiku and literary d......chard Wright’s haiku and Zen Buddhi......iuchi American haiku and American / Tom Lynch Haiku, Ezra Pound, a......inobu Hakutani Haiku and modernism ......imura American Haiku in the new mil......chard Wright’s haiku and African cu......rican American haiku form: Lenard D......obert Spiess’s haiku: Translating for better under...
- Subject HeadingHaiku, American--His...... and criticism Haiku--History and c......arts Poétique Haiku. Haiku, American. Poetics. Poetry an...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....apans boek met haiku en renga plus een prozastuk, ...
- Subject HeadingHaiku.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....development of haiku in Japan and its history as o...
- Contents...Development of Haiku in Japan Classic Haiku Tradition Modernist Haiku Poetics Ezra P......, Imagism, and Haiku Richard Wright's Haiku and Modernist ......etics Wright's Haiku, Zen, and the ......Jack Kerouac's Haiku and Classic Haiku Poetics Kerouac's Haiku and Beat Poetics Kerouac's Haiku and The Dharma......onia Sanchez's Haiku and Blues Poet......Emanuel's Jazz Haiku
- Subject HeadingHaiku, American--His......ese influences Haiku--History and c......itcism Poetics Haiku, American
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsHaiku. Translations.
- Subject HeadingHaiku--Translations into English Haiku Japanese poetr......s into English Haiku. Japanese poetry.
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsHaikus
- Subject HeadingHaiku
- Title HeadingHaiku (2019) Catalán
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- musique : 7 Haiku de Wlodzimierz Kotonski Pt. 3...
- Subject HeadingHaiku--History and criticism--Congresses Haiku
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....and reading of haiku, the essence of haiku mind, and the country and cul...
- Contents...way The way of haiku The fall Infinite light Somet...
- Subject HeadingHaiku Haiku--History and criticism Americ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingHaiku, American United States--Hist...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.'My haikus notebook' is ......Mi cuaderno de haikus' es un viaje por las estacio...
- Subject HeadingHaiku Spanish language Nature (Aesthetics) Haiku. Spanish language.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPoesía--Arte de escribir Haiku
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMatsuo, Bashō 1644-1694 Übersetzung Deutsch Haibun Japan Klassik Literatur Haiku
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... master of the haiku. Bashō: The Complete Haiku of Matsuo Bash......picture of the haiku of Bashō, 980......: The Complete Haiku of Matsuo Bashō reveals how ...
- Genre/Form TermsHaiku.
- Subject HeadingMatsuo, Bashō, 1644-1694--Translations into English Haiku--Translations into English
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... ce recueil de haikus. Un recueil où éclosent, d...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading(Produktform)Book Gedichte Haiku Japan Poesie d......utschsprachige Haiku (VLB-WN)1151: Hardcover, Soft...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingZwarra, Brunon, 1919-2018--Anniversaries, etc. Haiku, Polish.
- Alternative TitleBread by bread : haiku on the 100th birthday anniver...
- Alternative TitleBread by bread : haiku on the 100th birthday anniver...