Search results 13,229
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPlastic marine debris Marine pollution Marine resources cons......ique Pollution marine Conservation des ressources marines marine pollution. Marine pollution. Marine resources cons......ation. Plastic marine debris.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMarine biotechnology Marine organisms--Ind...... Biochemistry. Marine biotechnology.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... special about marine microbiology /...... Roman Stocker Marine Cyanobacteria ......ence Garczarek Marine Protists : a role in the marine microbiome / C......ndra Z. Worden Marine fungi / Gaëta......erine Roullier Marine viruses : agen......ry genomics of marine bacteria and a......pective of the marine microbiome / S......David A. Caron Marine extreme habita......rginia Edgcomb Marine biogeochemical......roorganisms in marine ecosystems / G......den treasure : marine microbiome as ......ic plan of the marine microbiome / Marieke Reuver, ...
- Subject HeadingMarine microbiology Microbiologie marine
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Marine plant life is an abundant sou...
- Subject HeadingMarine algae Marine algae as food Marine algae--Harvesting Marine algae--Processing Marine algae--Nutrition
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingOcean and civilization Marine resources--Japan Marine ecology--Japan......ion Ressources marines--Japon Japan--Civilization J...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...y and quantify marine plastic pollut......tics debris in marine ecosystems / J...... Liu, Daoji Li Marine litter, plasti......ion of plastic marine debris : the k......lastics in the marine environment / ......croplastics by marine animals / Winn......astics and the marine environment : ......n behavior and marine plastics pollu......g and reducing marine plastic pollution / Karen Rau...
- Subject HeadingPlastic marine debris Micropl......mental aspects Marine pollution. Marine resources cons......ation. Plastic marine debris.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ental science, marine technology, and engineers. Th...
- Subject HeadingPlastic marine debris--Biodegradation Débri...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingDrugs--Environmental aspects Marine pollution Marine pollution--Prevention Marine pollution. Marine pollution--Prevention.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMarine algae--Identification SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Botany. Marine algae
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingOceanography Marine ecology Marine biology Seashore biology Marine animals Sea bi......RE / Animals / Marine Life. Marine animals. Marine biology. Marine ecology. Oceanography. Sea bi...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc...., nearly 7,000 Marines were killed and 22,000 were ...
- Subject HeadingUnited States. Marine Corps--History......United States. Marine Corps. Iwo Jim......f, Japan, 1945 Marines--United State...... 20th Century. Marines. Military cam......tack on, 1941. Marines--Biography. J......United States. Marines / United Stat......nited States / Marine Corps / Histor......nited States / Marine Corps World War (1939-1945) Marines Military campaigns Japan Pac...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarine pharmacology C...... Pharmacologie marine Cyanobactérie......Biotechnology. Marine pharmacology.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....s on shore and marine resources and highlights how ...
- Contents... protection of marine and coastal ecosystems Marine pollution Marine biodiversity and development ...
- Subject Heading...lopment Goals. Marine resources conservation Marine resources management. Marine resources conservation. Marine resources development.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMarine animals--Juvenile literature Marine animals Faune marine--Ouvrages pour......ON / Animals / Marine Life. JUVENILE......ure / Zoology. Marine animals--Juven......le literature. Marine animals.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....t of topics in marine biotechnology overview of marine biotechnology,......information on marine organisms, techniques, marine natural produc......It also covers marine food and biote......orld leader in marine biotechnology ......est region for marine biotechnology ......ume set. Other marine biotechnology ......pplications of marine biotechnologie......f expansion in marine biotechnology"--
- Subject HeadingMarine biotechnology--Encyclopedias Marine biotechnology.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.On sustainable marine resources management in Indon...
- Subject HeadingMarine resources--Indonesia. Marine resources deve......nt--Indonesia. Marine resources--Indonesia--Managem...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....romote greater marine, maritime, and......d development, marine policy and governance,maritim...
- Subject HeadingMarine resources--Eco......ina Ressources marines--Aspect économique--Chine C...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....of the diverse marine fauna and flor......and ecology of marine organisms. Introducing marine training cours......k intended for marine biology instru......major areas of marine biology, inclu......nding Japanese marine courses from countries around...
- ContentsChapter 1. Introduction to Marine Biology Part I Japanese Marine Flora and 2. Japanese Marine Life Chapter 3......ic Taxonomy of Marine Organisms Chapter 4. Marine Plankton Chapter 5. Marine Algae and Plants Chapter 6. Marine Animals Chapte......istribution of marine species on the marine seashore Part ......ogy Chapter 8. Marine organisms and ......Development of Marine Invertebrates ......Development of marine fish: several ......Development of Marine Algae Chapter ......ution Part III Marine Zoology Chapte......ontribution of marine animals in phy......havior Part IV Marine Ecology Chapter 18. Marine Ecology Introduction Chapter ...
- Subject HeadingMarine biology--Japan. Marine biology. Japan.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading転移因子 / Mariner-like-element (MLE) / Transpo...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....itics of Large Marine Protected Area......ation of large marine protected area......lysis of large marine protected area......omy of a given marine space shapes h......mbitious large marine protected areas have so far n...
- Subject HeadingMarine parks and rese......--Case studies Marine parks and rese......--Case studies Marine resources cons......--Case studies Marine resources cons......itical ecology Marine parks and rese......rnment policy. Marine parks and rese......s--Management. Marine resources conservation--Gover...