松島, 弘一, DIEKMANN, Andreas, MATSUSHIMA, Koichi航空宇宙技術研究所1991-11Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory TR-1128T1128Tp.34-
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- Subject HeadingSpaceplane; flight control; stability
- Note (General)...ace Laboratory Spaceplane Configuration ......lity augmented Spaceplane is investigated by numerical ...
若松, 義男, 鎮西, 信夫, 三谷, 徹, Wakamatsu, Yoshio, Chinzei, Nobuo, Mitani, Toru宇宙航空研究開発機構2004-10-29宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発資料: 平成15年度総合技術研究本部宇宙領域研究成果報告書:輸送系 = JAXA Research and Development Memorandum: FY15 Annual Report of Research & Development on Space Technology in the Institute of Space Technology and Aeronautics: Space Transportation SystemJAXA-RM-04-009p.27-30
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- Subject Heading...エンジン試験 壁圧 衝撃風洞 spaceplane research and development comb...
- Note (General)...evelopment for spaceplanes in future. Performance of sc...
佐藤, 哲也, 田口, 秀之, 下平, 一雄, 小林, 弘明, 岡井, 敬一, 岩瀬, 識, 二村, 尚夫, 森本, 哲也, 小島, 孝之, 藤田, 和央, Sato, Tetsuya, Taguchi, Hideyuki, Shimodaira, Kazuo, Kobayashi, Hiroaki, Okai, Keiichi, Iwase, Shiki, Futamura, Hisao, Morimoto, Tetsuya, Kojima, Takayuki, Fujita, Kazuhisa宇宙航空研究開発機構2004-10-29宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発資料: 平成15年度総合技術研究本部宇宙領域研究成果報告書:輸送系 = JAXA Research and Development Memorandum: FY15 Annual Report of Research & Development on Space Technology in the Institute of Space Technology and Aeronautics: Space Transportation SystemJAXA-RM-04-009p.21-26
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- Subject Heading...システム 複合材料 風洞試験 spaceplane hypersonic speed turbojet eng...
鈴木, 真二, 土屋, 武司, Suzuki, Shinji, Tsuchiya, Takeshi航空宇宙技術研究所2000-12航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料 = Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory49Tp.161-164
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- Subject Heading...s optimization spaceplane shape flight trajectory large...
- Note (General)... problems of a spaceplane. Generally, to......rajectory of a spaceplane. 資料番号: AA0028638020 レポート番号: N...
内田, 則夫, 渡辺, 力夫, 冨田, 信之, Uchida, Norio, Watanabe, Rikio, Tomita, Nobuyuki航空宇宙技術研究所2000-12航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料 = Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory46p.275-280
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- Subject Heading... ground effect spaceplane horizontal launch reusable sp...
- Alternative TitleA study of take-off characteristics of horizontal launch aerospaceplane under ground effect
- Alternative TitleA study of take-off characteristics of horizontal launch aerospaceplane under ground effect
滝沢, 実, 佐々, 修一, 永安, 正彦, 木村, 武雄, Takizawa, Minoru, Sasa, Shuichi, Nagayasu, Masahiko, Kimura, Takeo航空宇宙技術研究所1996-11航空宇宙技術研究所資料 = Technical Memorandum of National Aerospace Laboratory705p.1-16
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- Subject Heading...nd tunnel test spaceplane FOG IMU calibration test cabl...
- Note (General)...ce Laboratory) spaceplane model was cond......ameters of the spaceplane model. In this...... system of the spaceplane model. 資料番号: AA0000869000 レポー...
三本木, 茂夫, 濱口, 泰正, Sanbongi, Shigeo, Hamaguchi, Yasumasa航空宇宙技術研究所1996-04航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1286p.1-12
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- Subject Heading...haracteristics spaceplane structure mechanical fixture ...
- Note (General)...candidates for spaceplane structural components, were i...
伊藤, 忠, 穂積, 弘一, 吉澤, 昭, 河本, 巌, 石塚, 只夫, Ito, Tadashi, Hozumi, Koichi, Yoshizawa, Akira, Kawamoto, Iwao, Ishizuka, Tadao航空宇宙技術研究所1993-05航空宇宙技術研究所資料 = Technical Memorandum of National Aerospace Laboratory655p.1-46
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- Subject Heading...orbiting plane spaceplane design data base spaceplane aerodynamic data reentry body...
室田, 勝一, 柳原, 正明, Murota, Katsuichi, Yanagihara, Masaaki航空宇宙技術研究所1994-02航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1226p.1-19
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- Subject Heading...t interference spaceplane wind tunnel test spaceplane aerodynamic characteristics m...
- Note (General)...ents of an NAL spaceplane model were measured in the NA...
青木, 由雄, 大谷, 真一, Aoki, Yoshio, Oya, Shinichi航空宇宙技術研究所2000-01航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1400p.1-24
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- Subject Heading...C 誘導加熱 熱サイクル試験 spaceplane structure material carbon car...
- Note (General)...uctures of the spaceplane. To evaluate the high tempera...
藤田, 敏美, 岩崎, 昭人, 藤枝, 郭俊, 重見, 仁, 中安, 英彦, 匂坂, 雅一, Fujita, Toshimi, Iwasaki, Akihito, Fujieda, Hirotoshi, Shigemi, Masashi, Nakayasu, Hidehiko, Sagisaka, Masakazu航空宇宙技術研究所1994-06航空宇宙技術研究所資料 = Technical Memorandum of National Aerospace Laboratory666p.1-23
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- Subject Heading...riment vehicle spaceplane aerodynamic characteristics a...
元田, 敏和, 迫田, 幸恵, 下村, 卓, 柳原, 正明, 塚本, 太郎, 佐々, 修一, 滝沢, 実, 永安, 正彦, Motoda, Toshikazu, Sakoda, Yukie, Shimomura, Takashi, Yanagihara, Masaaki, Tsukamoto, Taro, Sasa, Shuichi, Takizawa, Minoru, Nagayasu, Masahiko航空宇宙技術研究所1996-05航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1291p.1-34
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- Subject Heading...ght experiment spaceplane cable mount system unmanned l...
重見, 仁, 岩崎, 昭人, 藤田, 敏美, 大貫, 武, 李家, 賢一, 中安, 英彦, 加納, 康臣, Shigemi, Masashi, Iwasaki, Akihito, Fujita, Toshimi, Onuki, Takeshi, Rinoie, Kenichi, Nakayasu, Hidehiko, Kano, Yasuomi航空宇宙技術研究所1993-11航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1215p.1-23
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- Subject Heading...on measurement spaceplane aerodynamic characteristic wi...
上田, 哲彦, 外崎, 得雄, 岩崎, 和夫, Ueda, Tetsuhiko, Sotozaki, Tokuo, Iwasaki, Kazuo航空宇宙技術研究所1994-03航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1228p.1-20
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- Subject Heading...vibration test spaceplane configuration tip fin configu...
重見, 仁, 藤田, 敏美, 岩崎, 昭人, 大貫, 武, 季家, 賢一, 中安, 英彦, 匂坂, 雅一, Shigemi, Masashi, Fujita, Toshimi, Iwasaki, Akihito, Onuki, Takeshi, Rinoie, Kenichi, Nakayasu, Hidehiko, Sagisaka, Masakazu航空宇宙技術研究所1994-05航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1236p.1-57
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- Subject Heading...ing experiment spaceplane low speed aerodynamic charact...
山本, 武, 田丸, 卓, Yamamoto, Takeshi, Tamaru, Takashi航空宇宙技術研究所1994-04航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1233p.1-17
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- Subject Heading...formance study spaceplane propulsion ramjet combustor f...
- Note (General)...engine for the spaceplane is being carried out. As a pa...