Search results 22,265
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSlippage test of location / Robustness / k-sample rank test / Clustering / Design of expe...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingcentral pain / motor cortex / ketamine / drug challenge test
National Diet Library
- Subject Headinggender bias / test / DIF / schemata / subjectivi...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading季節変動 / breath hydrogen test / 消化管活動
- Alternative Title... human gastrointestinal activity between urban an...
- Alternative Title... human gastrointestinal activity between urban an...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingTOEFL (Test of English as ......nguage) / TWE (Test of Written English) writing /...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading日本語教育 / 言語テスト / SPOT / WEB-TEST / コンピュータ
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingKM_2O-ランジュヴァン方程式 / 非線形情報解析 / Test (ABN-S) / Test (ABN-EP) / 分離性 / 深部低周波地震 / Ni...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... / Forced swim test / Serotonin / Electroconvulsi...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingchaotic model / empirical testability / statisitical test / holisitic structure / simul...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAcoustic emission testing Contrôle par émission acoustique Acoustic emission testing.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction Tests and Reviews Tests to be Reviewe......ments Yearbook Tests Requested But......s Contributing Test Reviewers Index of Titles Ind...
- Subject Heading...hy Educational tests and measureme...... Psychological tests--Bibliography Intelligence tests--Bibliography Educational tests and measureme....... Intelligence tests Psychological tests Statistics
- Author HeadingCarlson, Janet F. Geisinger, Kurt F., 1951- Jonson, Jessica L. Buros Center for Testing
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....offering the latest insights into established and...
- Subject Penetration testing (Computer s......rité--Mesures Tests d'intrusion
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading産業精神保健 / 項目反応理論 / Comuterized Adative Testing / メンタルヘルス
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMaterials--Testing Materials--Testing.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading睡眠時呼吸障害 / 断眠 / 覚醒維持検査 / psychomotor vigilance test / 低酸素血症
National Diet Library
- Rheological testing of polymers......all Weathering testing of polymeri......r Flammability testing of plastics......ock Electrical testing and charact......Mas'ud Optical testing and charact......l behavior and testing of plastics. Mechanical testing and propert......ture mechanics testing of plastics......ction and wear testing Kylie E. Va......celerated life testing and aging William R. Broug...
- Subject HeadingPlastics--Testing--Handbooks, manuals, etc Plastics--Testing
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....fected by such testing. Parents, t......, standardized testing in the U.S.......te research on testing, historical......gles over such tests, and information about how testing has fostered the privatiza...
- Contents... United States Testing and the neo......e Standardized testing and the pro...... troubles with testing High-stakes testing and white supremacy Reclai...
- Subject HeadingEducational tests and measureme......-United States Test bias--United S......-United States Tests et mesures en......Biais dans les tests--États-Unis ......n. Educational tests and measureme......ocial aspects. Test bias. United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingUltrasonic testing--Handbooks, Ultrasonic testing--Data Ultrasonic testing.
National Diet Library
- ContentsLow velocity impact testing on laminate......lications Drop test impact analysi......on-destructive testing (NDT) Impac......llistic impact testing on composit......elocity impact testing and post-impact analysis t...
- Subject HeadingComposite materials--Impact testing Composite materials--Impact testing.