Search results 21
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMouth breathing Oral function tongue pressure hyoid bone adolescence
- Note (General)...closing force, tongue pressure, and masticato......sal-breathers. Tongue pressure alone was iden......closing force, tongue pressure, and masticato......ignificance of tongue pressure on mouth breathing in adolesc...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ities, maximum tongue pressure, and oral heal......ssure, maximum tongue pressure, and oral heal......eriod. Maximum tongue pressure measurement wa......ed the maximum tongue pressure and OHRQoL.
- Subject Headingtongue pressure dental implants quality of li...
- Alternative TitleThe significant improvement of tongue pressure after implant-supported prost...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingecho intensity tongue pressure frailty grip strength Kihon C...
- Note (General)... ± 7.0 years). Tongue pressure and EI were me...... found between tongue pressure and grip stren......served between tongue pressure and the KCL sc......lation between tongue pressure and grip strength. The result...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingendothelium hypertension platelet sarcopenia tongue pressure
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading咬合高径 Visual Analog Scale tongue pressure Vertical Dimension of occlusi...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSarcopenia Oral sarcopenia Geniohyoid muscle Tongue pressure Oral diadochokinesis
- Note (General)... muscle (CSG), tongue pressure (TP), and oral diadochokinesi...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingTongue pressure Tongue training Sustained tra...
- Note (General)...fectiveness of tongue pressure and tongue con......ion at maximum tongue pressure (the 10 time g......nds at maximum tongue pressure (the 10 second......uation method, tongue pressure and oral diado...... on the ground.Tongue pressure rose significa...... training, the tongue pressure of the 10 seco......g may increase tongue pressure and tongue skill more effecti...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingtongue pressure grip strength cardiovascular ...
- Note (General)The relationship between tongue pressure and relevant f......onship between tongue pressure and relevant f......e measured the tongue pressure using a JMS tongue pressure measuring inst......onship between tongue pressure and other exis......We showed that tongue pressure was significan...... valuables for tongue pressure in community-d...... valuables for tongue pressure in community-dwelling middle-...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingsurface electrical stimulation tongue pressure hyoid movement swallowing sup...
- Note (General)...stimulation on tongue pressure and hyoid move......l stimulation. Tongue pressure was assessed u......usly recorded. Tongue pressure during stimula......differences in tongue pressures at those time......d movement and tongue pressure generation. 学位の種類: 博士(歯学). 報告...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingtongue pressure lip closing force maxillofaci...
- Alternative TitleRelationship between tongue pressure and maxillofacial morphology ...
- Alternative TitleRelationship between tongue pressure and maxillofacial morphology ...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading嚥下 舌圧測定 姿勢 swallowing tongue pressure neck position
- Alternative TitleTongue pressure of normal subj......nd dry swallow tongue pressure measurements
- Alternative TitleTongue pressure of normal subj......nd dry swallow tongue pressure measurements
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...long-term care tongue pressure
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....closing force, tongue pressure, and masticato......sal-breathers. Tongue pressure alone was iden......closing force, tongue pressure, and masticato......ignificance of tongue pressure on mouth breathing in adolesc...
- Subject HeadingMouth breathing Oral function tongue pressure hyoid bone adolescence
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading運動学習 舌挙上 舌圧 筋電計 クレンチング Motor learning Tongue lift Tongue pressure EMG Tooth clenching
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... ± 7.0 years). Tongue pressure and EI were me...... found between tongue pressure and grip stren......served between tongue pressure and the KCL sc......lation between tongue pressure and grip strength. The result...
- Subject Headingecho intensity tongue pressure frailty grip strength Kihon C...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....imum voluntary tongue pressure against the pa......nsion. Reduced tongue pressure was defined as......ts and reduced tongue pressure was seen among......d with reduced tongue pressure among elderly ......rlying reduced tongue pressure.
- Subject Headingendothelium hypertension platelet sarcopenia tongue pressure
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The relationship between tongue pressure and relevant f......onship between tongue pressure and relevant f......e measured the tongue pressure using a JMS tongue pressure measuring inst......onship between tongue pressure and other exis......We showed that tongue pressure was significan...... valuables for tongue pressure in community-d...... valuables for tongue pressure in community-dwelling middle-...
- Subject Headingtongue pressure grip strength cardiovascular ...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingTongue pressure Tongue training Sustained tra...
- Note (General)...fectiveness of tongue pressure and tongue con......ion at maximum tongue pressure (the 10 time g......nds at maximum tongue pressure (the 10 second......uation method, tongue pressure and oral diado...... on the ground.Tongue pressure rose significa...... training, the tongue pressure of the 10 seco......g may increase tongue pressure and tongue skill more effecti...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSarcopenia Oral sarcopenia Geniohyoid muscle Tongue pressure Oral diadochokinesis
- Note (General)... muscle (CSG), tongue pressure (TP), and oral diadochokinesi...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ities, maximum tongue pressure, and oral heal......ssure, maximum tongue pressure, and oral heal......eriod. Maximum tongue pressure measurement wa......ed the maximum tongue pressure and OHRQoL.
- Subject Headingtongue pressure dental implants quality of li...
- Alternative TitleThe significant improvement of tongue pressure after implant-supported prost...