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- Related Material后金融危机时期的劳动力市场挑战 迈向全面小康的共享发展 = The shared dev......折点如何与库茲涅茨转折点会合 = Linking up Lewis and Kuznets turnin......nts 转轨中的城市贫困问题 = Urban poverty ......hina 城乡就业问题与对策 = Employment in rural and urban China : issues and options "十二五"回顾与"十三五"展望 = 12th five-year review and 13th five-year outlook 人口转变与教育发展 = Demographic transition and educational de......t 刘易斯转折点及其政策挑战 = The coming Lew...... turning point and its policy imp......政策 提升人力资本的教育改革 = Reforming the ......of 2020 新经济新就业 = New economy new employment “十二五"时期挑战 : 人口、就业和收......分配 人口转变的社会经济后果 = Demographic transition and its social and economic consequences 中国人口与劳动...
- Alternative TitleGreen book of population and labor 人口与労働緑皮書
- Alternative TitleGreen book of population and labor 人口与労働緑皮書