Search results 24
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Tolkien and Shakespeare: These essays focus on the broad themes and motifs which c......right's themes and even word choi...... "corrected, " and otherwise held an ongoing dialogue ...
- ContentsTolkien and Shakespeare : ......of Shakespeare and Tolkien / Alle......pirit! Wither wander you?" diminution : the Shakespearean misconception and the Tolkienian......d of the rings and A midsummer ni......ia, Galadriel, and the fairy quee......ppy few" : war and glory in Henry V and The lord of th......ce : echoes of Hamlet in J.R.R. Tolk......eare, Tolkien, and the conception...... / Leigh Smith Shakespearean catharsis in t......pero's books, Gandalf's staff : Shakespeare and Tolkien / Nich......spero, Saruman and Gandalf : Shakespeare and Tolkien / Fran...... Shakespeare's and Tolkien's portraits of women ...
- Subject Heading...3 -- Criticism and interpretation. Tolkien, J. R...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingShakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Criticism and interpretation -- Addresses, essays, lectures
- Subject Heading (ID)Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Criticism and interpretation -- Addresses, essays, lectures
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject, 1564-1616. Hamlet Shakespeare, William, 1564-16...
- Subject Heading (ID), 1564-1616. Hamlet Shakespeare, William, 1564-16...
- Author HeadingCrawford, Alexander Wellington
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- Related Material...ecameron Pride and prejudice The ......tles of Athlin and Dunbayne The e......ical economy ; and Chapters on so...... Brown, Jones, and Robinson The R......tion in France and other writings The now Poems and plays of Rober......ory of society and its relation t......Aspern papers, and other stories Oliver......illes Speeches and documents on i...... 1918-1937 Alexander's bridge Vil......ties of London and Westminister i...... a real friend Essays The Romany rye......ected speeches and documents on B......letar : lyrics and ballads after ......Hamlyn New Zealand short stories War stories and poems Poems of Robert Brownin...
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- Related MaterialSuum cuique : essays in music Geogr...... Hugh Walpole, and others A fable for c......dom : speeches and addresses Our ......scal, Fénelon, and other essays The danger of ......g a gentleman, and other essays The human wort......ous thinking : essays and addresses A pa......ico, Guatemala and the Southwest Notes and reviews : a se...... on literature and landscape from a tr......e Transition : essays on contemporar......Time to murder and create : the c......king Criticism and other addresses Chal......e tenth muse : essays in criticism Values and ideals of' runaway, & other essays Occidental gleanings Heroes, ...
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- Related Material... being earnest and other plays Billy Budd, sailor, and other stories John the carpet, and other stories The cr......ting narrative and other writings Parad...... Autobiography and other writings Selec...... Edmund Waller and John Oldham Me......y of the world and other plays : The ol......of the sublime and beautiful and other pre-revolution......lected stories and other writings Culture and anarchy ; and other selected prose......f the streets, and other tales of New Y......acters . Plays and fragments The philosophy of Andy Warhol : from A to B and back again Des......rom the Tatler and the Spectator War and peace H...
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- Note (General)VINTAGE BOOKS are published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. and Random House, Inc.
- Related Material...a myth Fiction and the unconsciou......uake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdo......ern literature and art 1905 Patri......: ways of life and politics in a ......ence Economics and the art of con......ots : violence and social change ......chell Goodman, and Marcus Raskin History and human survival : essays on the young and old, survivors and the dead, peace and war, and on contemporar......tion Black armband days : truth f...... between human and animal health ......he Edward Hoagland reader The new Jews Lyrical and critical essays Faulkner at We......n Negroes felt and acted during t......of the history and civilization of the American ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...o A.D. 68 Life and thought in the Greek and Roman world Th...... in the nature and development of...... United States and Britain in the......entury Fantasy and mimesis : resp......survey Leisure and class in Victorian England : rational recreation and the contest fo......ight Annalists and historians : W...... sacred wood : essays on poetry and criticism Music and poetry of the ......rown of life : essays in interpretat......lays The plays and poems of J.M. ......itics, society and institutions E......he Third World and economic delus......ish literature and society in the......The psychology and education of gifted children ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...zz : its roots and musical develo......history of Ireland The Middle Age......ges ahead Four essays on liberty Mal......--race, crime, and punishment in ...... how they feel and why people tak...... Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Paci......history of art and ideas will happen and what it will m......still see love and commitment so ......n interwar England : medieval modernism and the London und......n, enterprise, and ethnicity The ......tory : slavery and the Civil War ...... Satan, Cantor and infinity : and other mind-boggling ......letar : lyrics and ballads after oral tradition ...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Individualism and nationalism in...... First Crusade and the foundation...... : the meaning and importance of ......s insider Some Shakespearean themes ; An approach to 'Hamlet' Jane Austen' Time, space and things A savag......heim, his life and work : a historical and critical study......Greeks Society and Puritanism in ......olutionary England Shakespeare and Elizabethan po......olution Family and kinship in eas......l tree : crime and society in England The growth of ......nthropologists and anthropology :......liver Cromwell and the English Re......he family, sex and marriage in England 1500-1800...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...