Search results 38
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ctrinal issues and carefully weig......opaque at best and can be mislead......ntroduction of Buddhism to Tibet and a description ......e chore (notes and main text are ......ed to endnotes and bibliography, ......ed students of Buddhism. Summing Up: Recommended. Upp...
- ContentsBuddhism : Doctrinal Diversity and (relative) mor...... Mahasamghikas and the Lokottarav......f the Mahyana, and the laity Mahayna before 'Mahayana' the of the Mahayana some more sutr......ication of the Mahayana sutras The Per......utras : On the Mahayana sutras ; The origins and development of......isdom (prajna) and its perfection......ka : Nagarjuna and Aryadeva ; The......ia ; Emptiness and intrinsic exis......s ; Meditation and emptiness an i......ymika in china and East Asia Yoga......ition scholars and texts ; The th...... consciousness and immaculate con......he gzhan stong and rang stong dispute ; The Dash...
- Subject HeadingMahayana Buddhism -- Doctrines.
National Diet Library
- ContentsFormations : the Buddha and his Dharma Fou......Buddhist texts and communities Fu......ions : origins and development of the Mahāyāna Consolidations......ems of thought and practice Reapp......rld Revivals : Buddhism and modernity in South Asia.
- Subject HeadingBuddhism -- South Asia. Buddhismus -- Südasien -- Geschichte. Buddhismus. Südasien.
National Diet Library
- Toc / Article...hard GOMBRICH Gandharan Jatakas (......Yang-Gyu Women and Men as Describ......nknown Vinaya Handbook?/ 117 Petr......ETERS Buddhist and Indian Studies......a in Theravada Buddhism/ 189 Takatsugu......igious Body of Mahayana/ 225 Katsumi O......tion of Karman and Prayascitta/ 2......Archives, Kathmandu/ 259 Kazunobu...... The Kalacakra and Tantric Deitie...... Klesa, Karma, and Aryasatya/ 297......i KANNO Nature and Dependent in Japanese Buddhism/ 413 Musashi T......he Lotus Sutra and Japanese/ 425 ......aching (Shodo) and Debate (Rongi)......akopanisad 3.8 and Early Buddhism/ 475 Noriaki H......SODA Patanjali and the Buddhists/ 485 Johannes B...
- Contents...hard Gombrich Gandharan Jatakas. ......Yang-Gyu Women and men as describ......a in Theravada Buddhism by Takatsugu H......igious body of Mahayana Katsumi Okimot......tion of karman and prayascitta by......archives, Kathmandu by Kazunobu M...... The Kalacakra and Tantric Deitie......i Kanno Nature and dependent orig......he Lotus Sutra and Japanese Buddhism by Fumihiko Su......aching (shodo) and debate (rongi)......kopanisad 3. 8 and early Buddhism by Noriaki Hosoda Patanjali and the Buddhists ......ure by Mitsuru Ando Some newly di......a language by Nandasena Mudiyanse...... consciousness and the ecological responsibility...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / Article...hard GOMBRICH Gandharan Jatakas(1......Yang-Gyu Women and Men as Describ......nknown Vinaya Handbook?/ 117 Petr......a in Theravada Buddhism/ 189 Takatsugu......igious Body of Mahayana/ 225 Katsumi O......tion of Karman and Prayascitta/ 2......Archives, Kathmandu/ 259 Kazunobu...... The Kalacakra and Tantric Deitie...... Klesa, Karma, and Aryasatya/ 297......i KANNO Nature and Dependent in Japanese Buddhism/ 413 Musashi T......he Lotus Sutra and Japanese Buddhism/ 425 Fumihiko ......Teaching(Shodo)and Debate(Rongi)i......akopanisad 3.8 and Early Buddhism/ 475 Noriaki H......SODA Patanjali and the Buddhists/ 485 Johannes B...
- Contents...hard Gombrich Gandharan Jatakas(1......Yang-Gyu Women and men as describ......nknown Vinaya handbook? by Petra ......a in Theravada Buddhism by Takatsugu H......igious body of Mahayana by Katsumi Oki......tion of karman and prayascitta by...... Archives,Kathmandu by Kazunobu M...... The Kalacakra and Tantric,karma,and Aryasatya by T......i Kanno Nature and dependent in Japanese Buddhism by Musashi Tac......he Lotus Sutra and Japanese Buddhism by Fumihiko Su......aching (shodo) and debate(rongi) ......akopanisad 3.8 and early Buddhism by Noriaki Hosoda Patanjali and the Buddhists by Johannes Bro...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMahayana Buddhism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Mahayana Buddhism -- History
- Note (General)Reprint. Originally published: references and index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMahayana Buddhism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Mahayana Buddhism -- History
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBuddhism
- Subject Heading (ID)Buddhism
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Volumes I and II" Reprint of......cludes Tibetan and Chinese text and English translation of Ratnar...
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....t in the field and a clear and engaging writi......vites students and professors to ......minent scholar and teacher John to understanding and explaining Asian thought and practice. He w...... philosophical and religious idea...... of both South and East Asia.
- Contents...eading 2.Vedas and Upanishads Ind......Jain Thought 4.Buddhism: The Basic Tea......endent Arising and the Development of Mahayana Conditioned Ex......tion of Wisdom and Rise of Mahayana Reading the Te......a, Madhyamaka, and Yogacara Theravada Buddhism Overview of Ma......ogacara Nature and Function of Co......lity Vajrayana Buddhism 7.Society and the Individual......-Stages 8.Self and the World: 9.Knowledge and Reality: Nyaya......Knower 10.Self and Reality: Mimamsa and Vedanta Mimams......ism Appearance and Reality The Qu......etween Muslims and Hindus Religion and Politics 13.Tradition and Modernity Gandhi Aurobindo Iq...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMahayana Buddhism -- History Hinayana Buddhism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Mahayana Buddhism -- History Hinayana Buddhism -- History
- Note (General)Title on spine: Hinayāna & Mahāyāna Reprint of the 1927 ed., publ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleStudies in original Buddhism and mahāyāna Buddhism : in commemoration of late Pr...
- Alternative TitleStudies in original Buddhism and mahāyāna Buddhism : in commemoration of late Pr...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMahayana Buddhism -- History Hinayana Buddhism -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Mahayana Buddhism -- History Hinayana Buddhism -- History
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references (p. [xvi]-xx) and index
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...n Chün-jui Law and the state in t......tory of Indian Buddhism : from Śākyamuni to early Mahāyāna An American te......Japan Buddhist and Taoist studies......British policy and the nationalis...... Ethnic groups and social change ...... town Buddhist and Taoist practic......endenhall Thailand in transition ......lation, notes, and edited Braj Bh......engali history and society Econom......ts, reformers, and revolutionarie...... : competition and control in an ......erials in Java and Manila Songs o......evar folksongs and hymns Mandarins, gunboats, and power politics......ickerson Denny and the international rivalries i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSelf, reality and reason in Tibe......e way American Buddhism : methods and findings in re......i in Theravāda Buddhism : the point of......m's dialectics and the debates on......on of Yogācāra Buddhism and the Ch'eng Wei......ion : metaphor and visionary imagery in Mahāyāna Buddhism Developments in Australian Buddhism : facets of th......persons : Vasubandhu's "Refutatio......dition Tibetan and Zen Buddhism in Britain : t......n, development and adaptation The......ion from early Buddhism to the trikā Teaching Buddhism in the West : ......ies in engaged Buddhism Zen war storie......ous motivation and the origins of Buddhism : a s...
- Alternative studies in Buddhism The studies in Buddhism series
- Alternative studies in Buddhism The studies in Buddhism series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editors: Charles S. Prebish and Damien Keown
- Related MaterialThe spread of Tibetan Buddhism in China : cha......self in Indian Buddhism : Candrakīrti on the ......tuals of death and rebirth : cont......ankan practice and its origins Bu......ledge, ritual, and art Metaphor and literalism in Buddhism : the Theravada Buddhism in colonial co......nlightenment : Buddhism, religion, modernity Buddhism in the public meditation Buddhism, conflict and violence in mo......anon Discourse and ideology in me......ieval Japanese Buddhism New Buddhist m......ements in Thailand : towards an understanding of Wat Phra Dhammakāya and Santi Asoke Ea......self-cognition Buddhism, power, and political order T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Vedic rites and ceremonies of Old Java and Bali Notes on ......ies : pravṛtti and nivṛtti Studies in Hindu law "Original" Buddhism and Mahāyāna The Sattasaī and its commentators