Search results 3
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ed 2nd edition of Voices of Early Modern J......omikos Vaporis offers an accessible collection of annotated hist......ical documents of an extraordina......, ranging from the unification of warring states......gawa Ieyasu in the early 17th century to the overthrow of the shogunate just after the opening of Japan by the West in the mid-19th examination of primary sources from "The Great Peace", ......ating textbook offers fresh insights into the Tokugawa era: ......n uncover from the words of ordinary peopl...... new selection of maps and visua......mined in light of the latest assignments The first edition of Voices of Ea...
- Contents...0) and Letters of Divorce (1857, Undated) The Consequences of Adultery: "The Eavesdropper W...... Onna Daigaku (The Greater Learni......hara Saikaku's The Japanese Famil......a, 1688); List of Clothing Prohi......: Prohibitions of 1615 and 1645 ......r Seventh Year of Kaei (1854): S......ways and Diet: The Accounts of Joao Rodrigues......iken (1832-36) The Communal Bath:......kitei Sanba's "The Women's Bath" ......ation: General The Japanese Made During the Years 1770 177......reigner's View of the Battle of Osaka: Richard......ocks's Account of the Fall of Osaka Castle (......der: "Laws for the Military Houses" (1615, 1635)...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title[1863] 大君の都;第1巻
- Alternative Title[1863] 大君の都;第1巻
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and...... negativity in the digital world ......: case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing ......n : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis an......tic legitimacy The silent revolut......itudinal study of political atti......e-building and the institutionalization of globally circu......ated knowledge The political economy of Hungary : from state capitalism to authorit...... neoliberalism The holocaust as c......ndian Wars" in the "Wild East" Em...... democracy and the modern critique of law : reconsidering Habermas The economics of the popular music industry Th...