Search results 25
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleBulletin of the geological survey of China 農商部地質調查所地質彙報
- Alternative TitleBulletin of the geological survey of China 農商部地質調查所地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Reprinted from the "Bulletin of the Geological Survey of China" -- back cover 摘印地質彙報第23號
- Alternative TitleGeology of Yushan and Kuangfung of Eastern Kiangsi 地質彙報
- Alternative TitleGeology of Yushan and Kuangfung of Eastern Kiangsi 地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)摘印地質彙報第21號 (Reprinted from the Bulle...
- Alternative TitleProximate analysis of Chinese coals 地質彙報
- Alternative TitleProximate analysis of Chinese coals 地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)摘印地質彙報第18號
- Alternative Title地質彙報 The Chiawang coal field of Tu...
- Alternative Title地質彙報 The Chiawang coal field of Tu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)共同刊行: 國立北平研究院地質學研究所 摘印地質彙報第17號
- Alternative TitleMineral deposits of Eastern Sik'ang 地質彙報
- Alternative TitleMineral deposits of Eastern Sik'ang 地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)摘印地質彙報第18號
- Alternative TitleThe bauxite deposits of Pposhan and Tzechuan districts, Shantung 地質彙報
- Alternative TitleThe bauxite deposits of Pposhan and Tzechuan districts, Shantung 地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)共同刊行: 國立北平研究院地質學研究所 摘印地質彙報第17號 裏表紙に「Reprinted from Geolo...
- Alternative TitleThe clay deposits and porcelain industry of Pengchengchen, Hopei 地質彙報
- Alternative TitleThe clay deposits and porcelain industry of Pengchengchen, Hopei 地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)摘印地質彙報第14期
- Alternative TitleGeological reconnaissance along the projected railway line from Nanchang to Fuchow 地質彙報
- Alternative TitleGeological reconnaissance along the projected railway line from Nanchang to Fuchow 地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title農鑛部直轄地質調査所國立北平研究院地質學研究所地質彙報 地質彙報
- Alternative Title農鑛部直轄地質調査所國立北平研究院地質學研究所地質彙報 地質彙報
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title農商部地質調査所地質彙報 地質彙報
- Alternative Title農商部地質調査所地質彙報 地質彙報