東京都生活文化局広報広聴部広報課 編 東京都生活文化局広報広聴部 1973-2018 <Z41-1582>
National Diet Library
Note (Related Material) 継続前誌: 東京 都政概要 Additional Title 東京 都政概要 Volumes of this title 东京都生活文化局国际部外事课 <Z41-AC15>
National Diet Library
Volumes of this title 동경도 생활문화국 국제부 외사과 1996 <AZ-1311-K2>
National Diet Library
Note (General) 登録番号: 96W18484; 96W18483 翻訳タイトル: 都政概要 Additional Title 都政概要 Service de liaison et de protocole, Sous-direction des relations internationales, Direction de affaires de citoyens et de la culture, Ville de Tokyo 1991, c1992 <AZ-1311-A11>
National Diet Library
Note (General) " 都政概要 "--Colophon Additional Title 都政概要 东京都厅生活文化局国际部外事课 编辑, ID Corporation 翻译 东京都厅生活文化局国际交流部外事课 1983.10 <AZ-1311-699>
National Diet Library
Management Section, International Affairs Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2024.3 <GC65-D13>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 Management Section, International Affairs Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2022.3 <GC65-D10>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 Management Section, International Affairs Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2018.7 <GC65-B54>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 Management Section, International Affairs Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2016.3 <GC65-B50>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 International Affairs Section, International Affairs Division, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2014.3 <GC65-B46>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 International Affairs Section, International Affairs Division, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2012.3 <GC65-B37>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 International Affairs Section, International Affairs Division, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2010.3 <GC65-B32>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 International Affairs Section, Secretariat Division, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Govt. 2008.3 <GC65-B24>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 International Affairs Section, Secretariat Division, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Govt. 2006.3 <GC65-B15>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 東京都 1948-1968 <318.236-To458t13>
Available online National Diet Library
Note (General) 書名: 昭和29-31年版 都政概要 欠: 昭和30, 34, 37, 40 Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 Volumes of this title 東京都広報室普及部 1971-1975 <AZ-1311-60>
National Diet Library
Note (General) 書名: 昭和47年度版までは『東京 都政概要 』 Additional Title 東京 都政概要 Volumes of this title International affairs Section, Secretariat Division, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Govt. 2004.3 <GC65-B7>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 東京都広報室普及部 1969-1970 <318.236-To458t13>
Available online National Diet Library
Volumes of this title International Affairs Section, Secretariat Division, Headquarters of the Governor of Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2003.3 <GC65-B2>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要 東京都 지사본부 비서부 외무과 편집 東京都 지사본부 비서부 외무과 2002.3 <Y121-K40>
National Diet Library
Alternative Title 都政概要 Alternative Title 都政概要