Search results 54
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Alternative TitleCha-no-yu of Rikyu : from an aspect of ...
- Alternative TitleCha-no-yu of Rikyu : from an aspect of ...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Cover title: Urasenke. Primer of Cha-No-Yu.
- Alternative TitlePrimer of Cha-No-Yu. Art of tea.
- Alternative TitlePrimer of Cha-No-Yu. Art of tea.
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Toc / Article... Edition/9 I I Cha-no-yu an Aesthetic P......and Patrons of Cha-no-yu/11 II I Invitation to Cha-no-yu/27 II Yoritsuk...... and Ideals of Cha-no-yu/75 II Cha-no-yu on a Larger Sc......25 Glossary of Cha-no-yu Terms/129 Index/137
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / Article...ledgements I I Cha‐no‐yu an Aesthetic P......and Patrons of Cha‐no‐yu/11 II I Invitation to Cha‐no‐yu/27 II Yoritsuk...... and Ideals of Cha‐no‐yu/75 II Cha‐no‐yu on a Larger Sc......and Art in the Cha‐no‐yu Garden of Mr.F......res) A typical Cha‐no‐yu House/3 In the......are picked for Cha‐no‐yu./7 Relative sizes of Cha‐no‐yu Utensils/11 Gu......ification in a Cha‐no‐yu Garden/35 Swor......ming Ritual of Cha‐no‐yu/41 Service‐roo......e/75 Plan of a Cha‐no‐yu House/81 The h...... Treasures)/84 Cha‐no‐yu House in Baron......Art of serving Cha‐no‐yu/99 Brocade Bags for Tea Caddi...
Buddhist art and mysticism in the Japanese tea ceremony : wabi-cha-no-yu with its roots and branches
Other Libraries in Japan