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National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCopyright.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law provides a......tive survey of copyright harmonization ...... the one hand, copyright policy and leg...... shaped the EU copyright framework and, with it, the copyright framework of i......he state of EU copyright law with a vie......volution of EU copyright, weighing the ......proaches to EU copyright harmonization;......d enforcement; copyright policy and leg......ok on European Copyright Law is an esse......n the field of copyright law
- ContentsThe law and policy of the EU copyright harmonization project Copyright and related ri......s The state of copyright exceptions and limitations Copyright enforcement : the technologic...
- Subject HeadingCopyright--European Union countries Copyright infringement--...... LAW / General Copyright infringement. Copyright. European Union countries.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleNO COPYRIGHT GIRL
- Alternative TitleNO COPYRIGHT GIRL
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLibrary copyright policies Copyright
- Author Heading...wen, Victoria (Copyright and information policy expert...
National Diet Library
- ReplacesBulletin of the Copyright Society of the USA
National Diet Library
- Contents...ted uses under copyright law : comparat......nisation of EU copyright law : a long and winding road...
- Subject HeadingCopyright, International Droit d'auteur...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- of European copyright law? : history......formation in a copyright perspective / ......European Union copyright policy in the ......e export of EU copyright law : the exam......elopment of EU copyright law : an empir......rds a European copyright law : territor......vocating an EU copyright title / Alain Strowel Conclus...
- Subject HeadingCopyright--European Union countries Copyright, International Copyright. Copyright, International. European Unio...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... 2001, Art and Copyright has establishe...... exceptions to copyright; and - digital copyright, art databases and online pla...
- ContentsIntroduction The copyright system : justi...... modern law of copyright Moral rights a......the internet : copyright, related right......hts other than copyright Conclusion
- Subject HeadingCopyright--Art--Great Britain Internet-...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCopyright--Great Britain Copyright--European Union countries Copyright. European Union countries. Gr...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....s timely book, copyright scholar Péter......examination of copyright exhaustion, in......consistency to copyright law and a tech......erested in how copyright law continues to evolve in co...
- Contents...austion in the copyright law of the Eur......octrine in the copyright law of the US Digital exhaust...
- Subject HeadingFirst sale doctrine (Copyright)--United doctrine (Copyright)--European Union countries
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....rect impact of copyright on art-making practices, it c...
- Subject HeadingCopyright--Art Intellect......t Droit et art Copyright--Art. Intellectual property a...
- Alternative TitleArt, copyright, and public interest
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... international copyright system is in in which copyright operates beyon......e structure of copyright in its current form is inadeq...
- ContentsCopyright in common law ......g Formalitites Copyright and development Epilogue : to...
- Subject HeadingCopyright. Copyright licenses. Copyright--Duration. Copyright, International.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....creativity for copyright. The judgment was highly sign...
- Subject HeadingCopyright--Databases Copyright infringement C......rtistic, etc.) Copyright infringement--United States Copyright--Databases--United States Copyright--Databases. Copyright infringement. United States. ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsWhy digital copyright matters Digital copyright: the basics Di......n Law Software copyright Digital copyright and e-commerce Digital copyright: from Web 2.0 ......g your digital copyright assets.
- Subject HeadingLAW / Computer & Internet. Copyright and electronic......Great Britain. Copyright and electronic data processin...
National Diet Library