sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, based on Opera lover's companion and Opera news, with adaptations for this volume by Carol Ann Luten and C. J. Luten, and annotated list of recordings by C. J. Luten ; Mary Ellis Peltz, editorBarnes & Noblec1963
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sponsoredbytheMetropolitanOperaGuild,basedonOperalover’scompanionandOperanews,withadaptationsforthisvolumebyCarolAnnLutenandC.J.Luten,andannotatedlistofrecordingsbyC.J.Luten.Barnes & Noble[c1963]
Other Libraries in Japan
sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, based on Opera lover's companion and Opera news, both publications of the Metropolitan Opera Guild, with adaptations for this volume by Carol Ann Luten and C.J. Luten and annotated list of recordings by C.J. Luten ; Mary Ellis Peltz, editorBarnes & Noblec1962
Other Libraries in Japan
sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, based on Opera lover's companion and Opera news, both publications of the Metropolitan Opera Guild, with adaptations for this volume by Carol Ann Luten and C.J. Luten and annotated list of recordings by C.J. Luten ; Mary Ellis Peltz, editorBarnes & Noblec1956
Other Libraries in Japan
Barnes & Noble
Other Libraries in Japan
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