ジェーン・パッカー [著], ザ・ロンドン・スクール・オブ・フラワーズ 翻訳監修, 鈴木宏子 訳É.T.1999.1<KD931-G215>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)書名は奥付による 原タイトル: Living with flowers
- Alternative TitleLiving with flowers
- Alternative TitleLiving with flowers
Tokyo News Service[1963].<635.9653-H668l>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Nico de Swert ; photography by Wendell T. Webber ; text by Kathleen HackettHarry N. Abrams2005
Other Libraries in Japan
J. Barry Ferguson and Tom Cowan ; foreword by David Rockefeller ; photography by Joseph Mehling, additional photography by HorstRizzoli International Publications2000
Other Libraries in Japan
JanePacker 著Conran Octopas1997
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingLiving With Flowers
Jane Packer ; photography by Simon BrownConran Octopus1997
Other Libraries in Japan
Jane Packer ; photography by Simon Brown ; text in association with Jane MartinTrafalgar Square Pub.1997
Other Libraries in Japan
by J. Barry Ferguson and Tom Cowan ; principal photography by Joseph Mehling, additional photography by Horst P. HorstRizzoli International Publications1990
Other Libraries in Japan
[by]GaryKawaguchiCalifornia flower ma1993.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingLiving with flowers
Other Libraries in Japan