Search results 2,528
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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... Diversity and Social Justice Education offe......nal equity and social justice. The accessibly written cases...
- Subject HeadingMulticultural education--Case studies Social justice--Study and teaching
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Practicing Social Justice in Libraries p......nd incorporate social justice into their eve......pon the impact social justice work has on their mental heal...
- Contents... LibGuides for social justice : limitations and opportuniti...
- Subject Heading...and minorities Social justice Libraries--Aim......ocial aspects. Social justice. Aboriginal Canadians--Librar...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMusic and social justice
- Periodical TitleMusic and social justice
- Title HeadingMusic and social justice
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ompatible with social justice. Employing pub...... proponents of social justice have decisive ......ims to achieve social justice via practical,......t in producing social justice, this book is crucial reading...
- Contents1. Introduction to neoliberal social justice Part I: Why in...... to neoliberal social justice
- Subject, 1921-2002. Social justice--Philosophy Social justice--Economic aspe......Neoliberalism. Social justice--Economic aspects. Social justice--Philosophy.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, interest in social justice. Japan has interpret social justice implications o......ut interest in social justice in education has tended to ce...
- Subject HeadingEducation--Japan Social justice--Japan Education. Social justice. Japan.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEducation--Indonesia Social justice and education-......tion and state Social justice and education Indonesia
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Handbook of Social Justice Interventions ......terventions in social justice within educati...... implementable social justice work underway ......wledge base in social justice, and its empir......ultiplicity of social justice-oriented lense......subject (i.e., social justice education and ......und of current social justice literature. Pa......the promise of social justice to the next level for changin...
- ContentsTeaching for social justice in K--12 publi......ity frameworks Social justice approaches in ......e teachers for social justice teaching Inter......epistemologies Social Justice and Environmen......eading towards social justice Intervening on behalf of Afri...
- Subject HeadingSocial justice and education--Handbooks, manuals, etc Social justice and education.
National Diet Library
- Title HeadingSpringer studies on populism, identity politics and social justice. 2731-894X
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....e struggle for social justice and peace in M......ogy to advance social justice and peace. The chapters provi...
- Subject HeadingSocial justice and education-......y and teaching Social justice and education Burma
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....icy-making and social justice to develop a general theoreti...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....s the nexus of social justice and sport to c......Education, and Social Justice offers timely ...... Education and Social Justice will be of interest to resear...
- Contents...ristianity and social justice? considering a...... Andrew Parker Social justice, sport and Jud......pert Sport for social justice, capability, a......d Susan Ahrens Social justice in sport and e......nd Bahaa Habra Social justice, sport and soc......tizenship, and social justice : a position s......nd Simon Kumar Social justice, character edu......n statement on social justice, physical educ......hilippa Velija Social justice, sport, and ra......king a stand : social justice, Trump America, and the polit...
- Subject Heading...igious aspects Social justice Social Justice Sports--Aspect......ysique--Aspect social Justice sociale Physic......ocial aspects. Social justice. Sports--Religious aspects. S...
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...Nutrition, and Social Justice.
Available onlineNational Diet Library