GeoffHocking ; byJillMorrisViking Kestrel1988
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- Title HeadingThe boy who painted the sun
GeoffHocking illus. ; JillMorris.Penguin Books1988
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- Title HeadingThe boy who painted the sun
by Jill Morris, illustrates Geoff HockingPenguin1988
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Jill Morris ; illustrated by Geoff HockingKestrel1988
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Morris Jill/著, Hocking Geoff/画Books1985
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JillMorris [by] ; GeoffHocking illustratedbyViking Kestrel1983
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- Title HeadingThe boy who painted the sun
Jill Morris ; illustrated by Geoff Hocking ; from an original idea by Geoff HockingPenguin Books Australia1983
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Jill MorrisPenguin1983
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Jill*Morris 作 ; Geoff*Hocking 絵Penguin Books社1983年
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byJillMorris ; illustratedbyGeoffHockingPenguin Books1988
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- Title HeadingThe boy who painted the sun
Darton, Longman, & Todd
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