Farrar, Straus, Giroux1979.<Y17-B2499>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
ChrisConover 著 ; BrothersGrimm 著FSG1979
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- Title HeadingThe Bear and the Kingbird
atalefromthebrotherGrimm ; translatedbyLoreSegal ; picturesbyChrisConoverFarrar.Straus.Giroux1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe bear and the Kingbird
atalefromtheBrothersGrimmatalefromtheBrothersGrimmtranslatedbyLoreSegalpicturesbyChrisConoverFarrar Straus Girouxc1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe bear and the kingbird
ChrisConover/picture, LoreSegal/translationMcGraw-Hill Ryerson1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe bear and the kingbird
atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; atalefromtheBrothersGrimm ; translatedbyLoreSegal ; picturesbyChrisConoverFarrar, Straus and Giroux1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe bear and the kingbird
Conover, Chris 画,Segal, Lore 訳,Brothers Grimm 著Farrar, Strays and Giroux1979
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Conover Chris/画, Grimm Jacob/著, Grimm Wilhelm/著FSG1979
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Grimm, Lore SegalFarrar Straus Giroux1979
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TheBrothersGrimm 〔by〕 ; LoreSegal translatedby ; ChlisConover picturesFarrar,Straus,Giroux1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Bear and the Kingbird
LoreSegal by ; ChrisConover illustrMcGraw-Hill Book Co.1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingThe Bear and the Kingbird
translated by Lore Segal ; pictures by Chris ConoverFarrar, Straus, Giroux1979
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Chris.Conover 絵 Brothers・Grimm 原作New York Fappar1979
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Grimm,Jacob, Grimm,Wilhelm, Segal,Lore, Conover,ChrisGiroux1979
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