[edited by International Affairs Division of the Minister's Secretariat of the Ministry of Home Affairs], [translated into English by staff members of the Ministry]Japan Center for Local Autonomy1999<AZ-391-A10>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Japan Center for Local Autonomy1999.3
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佐々木雅子 [著][佐々木雅子]2006<UT51-2006-M713>
National Diet Library
JapanCenterforLocalAutonomy 編Japan Center for Local Autonomy1999
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- Title HeadingThe local administrative system in Japan
Japan Center for Loc199903
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- Title HeadingThe Local Administrative System in Japan
Japan centar for local autonomyJapan centar for local autonomy1999
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Japan Center for Local Autonomyc1999
Other Libraries in Japan
Japan Center for Local Autonomy1999
Other Libraries in Japan
Ishtiaq Jamil, Tek Nath Dhakal, Narendra Raj Paudel, editors.Palgrave Macmillan[2019]<A311-P9>
National Diet Library
- Contents...rat Gautam 12. The Local Administrative System in India / Jitendra G. Wasnik 13...