compiled & edited with translations, introductions & notes by Philip KapleauJohn Weatherhill1965.11<294.32-K17t>
National Diet Library
Harper & Row[1967]<HM171-1>
National Diet Library
compiled and edited by Philip KapleauAnchor Books2000
Other Libraries in Japan
[compiled and edited by] Philip KapleauDoubleday1989
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled and edited with translations, introductions and notes by Philip Kapleau ; foreword by Houston SmithRider1980
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled & edited, with translations, introductions & notes, by Philip Kapleau ; foreword by Huston SmithAnchor Press1980
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled & edited, with translations, introductions & notes, by Philip Kapleau ; foreword by Huston SmithBeacon Press1969, c1965
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled & edited, with translations, introductions & notes, by Philip Kapleau ; foreword by Huston SmithHarper & Row1966, c1965
Other Libraries in Japan
PhilipKapleau compiled,ed.withtr.Happer& Row1966
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled & edited, with translations, introductions & notes, by Philip Kapleau : foreword by Huston SmithJ. Weatherhill1965
Other Libraries in Japan
Barper & Row,1967.
Other Libraries in Japan
Beacon Press
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan