Pub. for the United States Armed forces institute by the Macmillan company1948, c1941.<330.973-P318a>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed forces institute by McGraw-Hill book company, inc.[1944]<368-M936i>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed Forces Institute by Houghton Mifflin Company[1944]<373-D733m>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed forces institute by the Odyssey press[1944]<820.8-S525f>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed forces institute by Harcourt, Brace and co.[1944]<821.08-U61m>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed forces institute by Houghton Mifflin company[1944]<EL53-104>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed Forces Institute by J. Wiley & Sons, inc[1944]<551.7-S384o>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed Forces Institute by D. C. Heath[1944]<458.242-C576s>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed Forces Institute by Lea & Febiger[1944]<619.5-B251d>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed Forces [Institute] by the Macmillan Company[1944]<940.2-H417p-1944>
National Diet Library
pub. for the U.S. Armed Forces Institute by Willey[1944]<633-C877c>
National Diet Library
Published for the United States Armed Forces Institute by the MacMillan Co.[1944]<547-C743c>
National Diet Library
Published for the United States Armed forces, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.[1944]<637-Y25d>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States armed forces, by J. Wiley & Sons, inc.[1944]<636.2-S669b>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the U.S. Armed forces institute by Heath[1944]<572-B662g>
National Diet Library
Pub. for the United States Armed Forces Institute by Longmans, Green and Co.[1944]<371.26-G799m>
National Diet Library
byMargaridaF.Reno,editedbyVincenzoCioffari,transcriptionbyRobertA.Hall,jr.Pub. for the United States Armed forces institute by D.C. Heath and companyc1944.
Other Libraries in Japan
byS.N.Trevino.Pub. for the United States Armed forces institute by D. C. Heath and company[1944]
Other Libraries in Japan