editorbyYoshiteruMutoh, producerbyGakkenJapanese Steering Committee of the Bone and Joint Decade2007.9
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- Title HeadingA Book on body facts
editedbyYoshiteruMutoh ; writtenandcomposedbytheSpecialStudentCommittee,facultyofeducation,theUniversityofTokyo ; supervisedbytheJapaneseSteeringCommitteeoftheboneandjointdecadeJapanese Steering Committee of the bone and joint decade2007.9
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingManga a book on body facts that even grown-ups don't kno...
TheJapaneseSteeringCommitteeoftheBoneandJointDecade [監修] ; YoshiteruMutoh [編] ; TheSpecialStudentCommittee,FacultyofEducationTheUniversityofTokyo [構成・執筆][「運動器の10年」日本委員会]2007.9
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingA Book on BODY FACTS that Even Grown‐ups Don't Kno...
[The Special Student Committee, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo ; Yoshiteru Mutoh, editor]Japanese Steering Committee of the Bone and Joint Decade2007
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- Alternative Titleマンガ大人も知らないからだの本 : 運動器のおはなし A book on body facts that even grown-ups don't kno...
- Alternative Titleマンガ大人も知らないからだの本 : 運動器のおはなし A book on body facts that even grown-ups don't kno...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingA Book on BODY FACTS that Even Grown-ups Don't Kno...
YoshiteruMutoh/editionJapanese Steering Committee of the Bone and Joint Decade2007
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingA book on body facts that even grown-ups don't kno...
supervised by the Japanese steering committee of the bone and joint decade, edited by Yoshiteru Mutoh, written and composed by the special student committee,faculty of education,the university of TokyoJapanese steering committee of the bone and joint decade2007
Other Libraries in Japan
Supervisedbythejapanesesteeringcommiteeoftheboneandjointdecade ; EditedbyYoshiteruMutoh ; Writtenandcomposedbyspecialstudentcomitee,facultyofeducation,theuniversityoftokyoThe japanese steering commitee of the bone and joint decade2007.9
Other Libraries in Japan
Yoshiteru Mutoh/編「運動器の10年」日本委員会2005.3
Other Libraries in Japan