by Pastor H.Ritter, translated by the Rev.George E.Albrecht, rev.and brought up to date by the Rev.D.C.Greene, under the editorial care of Pastor Max ChristliebThe Methodist Publishing House1898<D-43>
National Diet Library
Methodist Publishing House1898.<特22-044>
Available onlineNational Diet Library
H.Ritter by ; GeorgeE.Albrecht trby ; Ritter,H. ; Albrecht,GeorgeE.Methodist Publishing House1898
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- Title HeadingA history of Protestant missions in Japan
byH.Ritter ; translatedbyGeorgeE.Albrecht ; revisedandbroughtuptodatebyD.C.Greene ; undertheeditorialcareofMaxChristlieb.Methodist Publishing1898.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingA history of Protestant missions in Japan
by H. Ritter ; translated by George E. Albrecht ; revised and brought up to date by D.C. Greene ; under the editorial care of Max ChristliebUMI Books on Demand1898
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by H. Ritter ; translated by George E. Albrecht ; revised and brought up to date by D. C. Greene, under the editorial care of Max ChristliebMethodist Publishing House[1898]
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by H. Ritter and tr. By George E. AlbrechtMethodist Pub. House,1898
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