B.マリノフスキー 著, 谷口佳子 訳平凡社1987.6<G171-25>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: A diary in the strict sense of the term
- Additional TitleA diary in the strict sense of the term
Bronislaw Malinowski ; [introduction by Raymond Firth, translated by Norbert Guterman]Routledge2004
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byBronislawMalinowski ; prefacebyValettaMalinowska ; introductionbyRaymondFirth ; translatedbyNorbertGuterman ; indexofnativetermsbyMarioBick.Athlone Pressc1989.
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- Title HeadingA diary in the strict sense of the term
by Branislaw Malinowski; preface by Valetta Malinowska, introduction by Raymond Firth, translated [from the Polish] by Norbert Guterman, index of native terms by Mario BickStanford1989
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by Bronislaw Malinowski ; preface by Valetta Malinowska ; introduction by Raymond Firth ; translated by Norbert Guterman ; index of native terms by Mario BickAthlone Press[1989]
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by Bronislaw Malinowski ; preface by Valetta Malinowska ; introduction by Raymond Firth ; translated by Norbert Guterman ; index of native terms by Mario BickStanford University Pressc1989
Other Libraries in Japan
by Bronislaw Malinowski ; preface by Valetta Malinowska ; introduction by Raymond Firth ; translated by Norbert Guterman ; index of native terms by Mario BickStanford University Pressc1989
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by Bronislaw Malinowski ; pref. by Valetta Malinowska ; introd. by Raymond Firth ; translated [from the Polish] by Norbert Guterman ; index of native terms by Mario BickHarcourt, Brace & Worldc1967
Other Libraries in Japan
by Branislaw Malinowski ; preface by Valetta Malinowska ; introduction by Raymond Firth ; translated [from the Polish] by Norbert Guterman ; index of native terms by Mario BickRoutledge & K. Paul1967
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Bronislaw Malinowski ; traduit de l'anglais par Tina Jolas ; avec une préface de Valetta Malinowska ; et une introduction de Remo GuidieriÉditions du Seuilc1985
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- Alternative TitleA diary in the strict sense of the term
- Alternative TitleA diary in the strict sense of the term
Other Libraries in Japan
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