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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book shows how a multidisciplinary approach combining conceptual and methodological tools from political history and political science can help to develop a deeper understanding of contemporary political phenomena including democracy, populism, war, and forced migrations, among others. Throughout the eleven chapters, the volume brings together senior academics and early-career scholars to explore this innovative approach through a broad range of case studies which are not specific to any particular nation but are characteristic of contemporaneity worldwide. Both the international character and the interdisciplinary appea...
- ContentsIntroduction : political history and political science : the great potential of an under explored collaboration / Carlos Domper Lasús and Giorgia Priorelli Political science and political history : creating a new integral approach / Sho Muto Corporatism and dictatorship : between politics and history / António Costa Pinto Approaching elections under autocracies from a multidisciplinary political perspective : the case of Iberian dictatorships (1945-1975) / Carlos Domper Lasús War : the necessary reassembly of a fragmented research object / Luca Baldissara History and political science in forced migration studies : interlacing see...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."From Ayurvedic texts to botanical medicines to genomics, ideas and expertise about veterinary healing have circulated between cul......ures through travel, trade, and conflict. In this broad-ranging and accessible study spanning 400 years of history, Susan D. Jones and Peter A. Koolmees present the first global history of veterinary medicine and animal healing. Drawing on inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives, this book addresses how attitudes toward animals, disease causation theories, wars, problems of food insecurity and the professionalization and spread of European veterinary education have shaped new d...
- ContentsIntroduction: human-animal relationships and the need for veterinary medicine Animal healing in sacred societies, 1500-1700 Animal healing in trade and conquest, 1700-1850s Formal education for animal healing: from ridi......ools to veterinary schools, 1700-1850 Veterinary institutions and animal plagues, 1800-1900 Veterinary medicine in war and peace, 1900-1960 Food, animals, and veterinary care in a changing world, 1960-2000 Veterinary medicine and animal health, 2000-2020 ......ilogue: veterinary medicine in the postmodern world
- Genre/Form TermsHistory
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- NCIDAA00328428 AA10949283
- Note (General)Description based on the latest issue Subtitle: A reserch journal devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences (v. 1-v. 17)
- Note (Publication, Distribution, etc.)Place of publication varies Publisher: Depertment of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pensylvania (v. 1-v. 6)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The languages indigenous to North America are characterized by a remarkable genetic and typological diversity. Based on the premise that linguistic examples play a key role in the origin and transmission of ideas within linguistics and across disciplin......s, this book examines the history of approaches to these languages through the lens of some of their most prominent properties. These properties include consonant inventories and the near absence of labials in Iroquoian languages, gender in Algonquian languages, verbs for washing in the Iroquoian language Cherokee and terms for snow and related phenomena in Eskimo-Aleut ...
- ContentsPreface & Acknowledgments List of Abbreviations List of Figures Introduction Aims of the book Terms and definitions Structure of the book The languages of North America : An overview Genetic and areal overview Algonquian languages Iroquoian languages Eskimo-Aleut languages Loss of the languages : Its causes and implications Overview of structural characteristics Sound systems Word and sentence structure Polysynthesis Noun incorporation Gender Classifiers Concluding observations Studies of the languages of North America Missionary and other pre-modern so......From 1788 till the 1840s Since the second half of the 19th century Wider c...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book offers a comprehensive sketch of the tools used in material research and the rich and diverse stories of how those tools came to be. We aim to give readers a sense of what tools materials researchers required in the late 20th century, and how those to......were developed and became accessible. The book is in a sense a collective biography of the components of what the philosopher of science, Ian Hacking, calls the "instrumentarium" of materials research. Readers should gain an appreciation of the work materials researchers put into developing and using such tools, and of the tremendous variety of such tools. They shou...
- ContentsIntroduction Tools in materials research / Joseph D. Martin and Cyrus C. M. Mody Part I Always already tools Always already tools introd....../ Hermione Giffard – Glassware / Catherine M. Jackson – Thermometers / Joh......owers Simple heating / Cyrus C. M. Mody Scales and balances / Joseph D. Martin Light Micr......ubertus Nederbragt Manuals, handbooks, and recipes / Joanna Behrman – Distillation / Phillip C. Wankat – Mixing equi......nt / Philippe Martin Part II Invisible and infrastructural tools Invisible and infrastructural tools introdu...... Brit Shields Safety equipment / Amy E. Slaton Vacuum chambers, pumps, gauges, ...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Traditionally there has been a long and sustained interest in studying the history of economic ideas in France. Interest appeared to wane after World War II but in recent decades, there has been a marked renaissance of interest and research in the contributions of French-speaking authors. Drawing on the flow of recent research, this book presents a new assessment of the history of political economy in France incorporating both novel presentations of some traditional subjects and topics that are not usually studied. Th......first volume deals with the history of political economy in France in the Age of Enlightenment. After p...
- ContentsPrelude. From scholasticism to the Enlightenment / Thierry Demals & Gilbert Faccarello Pierre de Boisguilbert and the foundation of 'Laissez-faire' / Gilbert Faccarello John Law and the Mississippi System / Antoin E. Murphy Science of trade and 'commerce po......' / Thierry Demals François Quesnay and physiocracy / Thierry Demals & Philippe S......iner Turgot, Graslin and sensationist political economy / Gilbert Faccarello Political critiques of political economy / Arnaud Orain The spirit of geometry. Quantification and formalisation / Gilbert Faccarello Postlude. Intellectual exchanges and last developments / Gilbert Facc...
- LCCHB105.A2
National Diet Library
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Ishikawa, Shiro Shiro Ishikawa
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Syrian Social Nationalist Party devoted its......lf to reviving and unifying the Syrian nation and establishing this nation's its historical homeland, Greater Syria. It continues ......ts struggle today, influencing and shaping Lebanese and Syrian society and politics. Yet, the party remains largely unknown and misunderstood, a condition that stems from the lack of any comprehensive study of it. This book fills this gap. Syrian nationalism and nationalist movements, generally speaking, have been largely neglected and ignored by historians, scholars, and observers of the Middle East. So, too, has the SSNP. The...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
- LCCJQ1826.A98
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This book explores how Japanese views of nuclear power were in......nly by Hiroshima and Nagasaki but by gover......ment, business and media efforts to actively promote how it was a safe and integral part of Japans future. The idea of "atoms for peace" and the importance of US-Japan relations were emphasized in exhibitions and in films. Despite the emergence of an anti-nuclear movement, the dream of civilian nuclear power and the "good atom" nevertheless prevailed and became more accepted. By the late 1950s, a school trip to see a reactor was becoming a reality for young Japanese, and major events such as the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and ...
- Contents1. Introduction: Visualizing Nuclear Power in Japan 2. Before and After Hiroshima 3. Picturing Hiroshima 4. The Beginnings of Atoms for Peace in Japan 5. Nuclear Testing in the Pacific: The Lucky Dragon Incident and the Family of Man 6. Living in Fear: Nuclear Films 7. Making Atomic Dreams Real: 1956-1958 8. Seeing Reactors at Tōkai-mura, Trade Fairs, Department Stores and in Films: 1957-1971 9. Shaping the National Narrative: From Hiroshima to Fukushima and Beyond 10. Conclusion.
- Subject HeadingNuclear energy--Japan. Nuclear power plants--Japan.
National Diet Library
- Summary, reflections of Japanese education between 1858 and 1914, by referring to accounts by Brit......d from documentary sources such as newspapers, journal articles, published books and official reports. Hiraoka argues that British attitudes and comments on Japanese education reflect concerns about their own education system. International economics and politics of the time, as well as the voices of the Japanese, are also taken into account. British interpretations of the advantages of Japanese education are explained with two seemingly contradictory views: traditions inherited in Japan, and modern insti......troduced using the Western model. The book illus...
- ContentsChapter One: Old and New Japanese Education, 1858-1880......Introduction Images of Japan and the Japanese before the modern relationship Japanese education in writings on Japan before modernisation New Japan's education system and press reception in Britain Dissemination and reproduction of the images Conclusion Chapter Two: Oyatoi Teachers and the Science Circles in Britain, 1870s-1880s British oyatoi and engineering in Japan The Imperial College of Engineering, Tokyo and British oyatoi teachers Voices of returned oyatoi: Ayrton and Perry Oyatoi's concerns and the favourable images Chapter Three: Japanese Education at the Intern...
- LCCLA631
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingScience--History Science and civilization Technology--History Technology and civilization
- Author HeadingChannell, David F., 1945-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."A medical librarian presents a fascinating, terrifying look into history's rarest books-- bound in human skin-- and the stories of their creation and collection"--
- ContentsThe First Printing This Dreadful Workshop G......lectors Skin Craft Secrets of the Sages-Femmes The Long Shadow of the Night Doctors The Postmortem Travels of William Corder Echoes of Tanner's Close The Highwayman's Gift Ghosts in the Library My Corpse, My Choice The French Connect......n Epilogue: Humane Anatomy The Anthropodermic B......Project's List of Confirmed Human Skin Books as of March 2020
- LCCZ269.3.A58
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Chapters cover the history of steroids, including the development of synthetic steroids, s...... biochemistry, and the drugs' therapeutic functions, notably the importance of natural steroids in maintaining human life. The book discusses the current state of recreational use among athletes and students and of the dangers of misuse and overdose, and covers legal and governmental regulations relative to both therapeutic and recreational use of the drugs."--Publisher's website.
- ContentsCase studies, by Joan Standora What are steroids? by Malgorzata Slugocki The history of steroids, by Joan Standora How steroids work, by Tae Eun Park Effects and applications, by Malgorzata Slugocki Risks, use and abuse, by Alex Bogomolnik ...... distribution, and regulation, by Joan Standora The social impact of steroid use today, by Alex Bogomolnik The future of steroids management, by Alex Bogomolnik.
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Research into public health policies and expert instruction has been oriented traditionally in the national context. There is a rich historiography that analyses the development of health policies and systems in various European and American countries during the first decades of the 20th century. What is often ignored, however is the study of the great many connections and circulations of knowledge, peo...... technologies, artefacts and practices during that period betwee......ok redresses that balance"--
- ContentsHealth policies in the twentieth century : a transnational issue Historical origins of health policies Networks of experts : national policies and transnational actors The relevance of international organisations Research for the nation : national institutes of hygiene Instructing the experts : national schools of public health Final comments and conclusions.
- LCCRA483
National Diet Library
- ContentsA case study : driven by fire What are ADHD medications? ADHD medications : a brief history How ADHD medications work Effects and applications Risks, misuse, and overdose Pro...... distribution, and regulation The social dimensions of ADHD medications The future of ADHD medications.
- LCCRC394.A85
- Subject HeadingAttention Defici......rder with Hyperactivity--drug therapy Drug Therapy--history Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book explores how and why the idea of the African environmental crisis developed and persisted through colonial and post-colonial periods, and why it has been so influential in developmen......iscourse. From the beginnings of imperial administration, the idea of the desiccation of African environments grew in popularity, but this ......sis discourse was dominated by the imposition of imperial scientific kn......nous knowledge and experience. African Environmental Crisis provides a synthesis of more than one-and-a-half century's research on peasant agriculture and pastoral rangeland development in terms of soil erosion control, animal ...
- ContentsAfrican environmental crisis : Is it a myth : an introduction European exploration of East Africa : textual analysis of travel narratives, 1831- Imperial scientific infrastructure : sci......nt, 1848-1960s African environmental crisis narratives : schemes, technology and development,......904- Experimental science and development : a re-evaluation of the environmental crisis hypothesis, 1939- Social science research : behavioral responses to ......lopment, 1919- Administrative science fo...... development dialogue : three Kenyan case studies, control in East Africa : environmental and social impacts, 1880- Locus...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- History. Climatic changes. Climatic changes -- Governm......nt policy. Climatic changes -- International cooperation. Climatic changes -- Political aspects. Greenhouse gas mitigation -- Governm......y. Greenhouse gas mitigation -- International cooperation. Greenhouse gas mitigation -- Political aspects.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The 1950s were a vital time in the history of science. In accordance with the intensification of the Cold War, many scientific talents were mobilized to several military-related research and development ......ts not only in the United States, but also in the Soviet Union. Contrary to the expectation of General Leslie Groves, a leader of the Manhattan Project, the Soviet Union succeeded in their nuclear weapon development in a very short time. And then, by the end of the decade, mankind reached the dawn of the Atomic Age proper with the beginning of the operation of the world's first civil nuclear power plant in Obninsk in 19...
- Contents"Jealousy" and "discord:" the conflicts among physicists during the war "Ideology" or "harassment"?: "the physics confer......ght" or "survival"?: rocket development and the Ministry of Armament Plunder of technology: jet plane development and German technology "Concealed rivalry": the early days of computer devel......Obninsk, 1955: the world"s first nuclear power plant and "the atomic diplomacy" by Soviet scientists "A double-edged sword:" radiation studies and the normalization of biological sciences Anna Vasil'evna Kozlova (1906-1980): the fate of the data on the casualties of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Bikini.
- Subject HeadingCold War (1945-1989) S......-Soviet Union--History. Engineering--Soviet Union--History. Science and state--Soviet Union--History. Cold War. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Pub......Policy / Cultural Policy SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural SOCIAL SCIENCE / Popular Culture Engin......ience. Science and state. Soviet Union.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book sheds light on the originality and historical significance of womens philosophical, moral, political and scientific ideas in Italy and early modern Euro......sections, it starts by discussing the women philosophers engagement with the classical inheritance with regard to the works of Moderata Fonte, Tullia d'Aragona and Anne Conway. The next section examines the relationship betwee......n philosophers and the new philosophy of nature, focusing on the connections between female thought and the new seventeenth- and eighteenth-c......ntury science, and discussing the work of Camilla Erculiani, Margherita Sarocchi, Marga...
- ContentsPart 1: Women philosophers and the classical inheritance Introduction Chapter 1. Moderata Fonte and Michel de Montaigne in the Renaissance debate on friendship and marriage (Annalisa Ceron) Chapter 2. Plato and the Platonism of Anne Conway (Sarah Hutton) Part 2: Women philosophers and the new philosophy of nature Chapter 3. Letters on natural philosophy and new science: Camilla Erculiani (Padua 1584) and Margherita Sarocchi (Rome 1612) (Sandra Plastina) Chapter 4. Margaret Cavendish and Robert Boyle on the purpose, method and writing of natural philosophy (Emma Wilkins) Chapter 5. Margaret Cavendish: science and womens power through The Bl...
- Subject HeadingWomen scholars--Europe Women scholars--Italy Women philos......hilosophers--Italy Women--Europe Women--Italy Women Women ......ers Women scholars Europe Italy
National Diet Library
- ContentsPart I. Mesopotamia. Science and Ancient Mesopotamia / Francesca Rochberg Babylonian Medicine as a Discipline / Markham J. Geller Mesopotamian Mathematics / Jens H¿yrup Babylonian and Assyrian Astral Science / John M. Steele. Part II. Egypt. The Cultural Context of (Mathematical) Experts in Ancient Egypt / Annette Imhausen Egyptian Medicine / John Nunn Egyptian Calendars and Astronomy / Rolf Krauss Egyptian Mathematics / Jens H¿yrup. Part II. Greek and Greco-Roman. Physical and Cosmological Thought Before Aristotle / Daniel W. Graham Aristotle: An Overview / Andrea Falcon Aristotle's Physical Theory / Eric Lewis Aristotle and...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
- Subject HeadingScience, Ancient--History Science, Ancient.