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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.As soil and crop management procedures have become more ......omplex, County Agricultural Agents, farm advisors, consultants, and fertilizer and chemical dealers have had to specialize in some aspect of soil fertility and crop nutrition management procedur......limiting their ability to provide a range of advice and services. Most farmers and growers can no longer tur...... for the information and instruction needed to achieve their production goals. With over 70 percent new material, the second edition of the Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Manual discusses the ......ermining how plants grow and the elements essential for ...
- ContentsSoil fertility principles Plant nutrition principles The plant root How to be a diagnostician Soil taxonomy, horizontal characteristics, and clay minerals Physical properties of soils Physiochemical properties of soil Soil pH. Its determination and interpretation Soil organic matter Major essential plant elements Mic......sidered essential to plants Elements co......idered beneficial to plants Elements toxic to plants Trace elements found in plants Soil testing Plant analysis and tissue testing Lime and liming materials Inorganic chemical fertilizers and their properties Organic fertilizers and their properties Fertilizer...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe synthesis of peptides / G.T. Young Chemical synthesis of larger peptides / Ching-I Niu Chemical synthesis of ribonuclease A with full enzymatic activity / H. Yajima and N. Fujii Cur......ods in solid phase peptide the solid phase condensation of fragments / Yuch On solid-phase peptide synt......osequencing by manual and automated methods as applied to ribisomal proteins / B. Wittman-Liebold Microsequence analysis of polypeptides using automated Edman degradation / M.W. Hunkapiller and L.E. Hood Peptide separation by high liquid chromatography as a prelude to sequencing of peptides and proteins / M. He...
- Subject Heading...-- Congresses. Amino acid sequence -- Congresses. Amino Acid Sequence --......s. Peptides -- chemical synthesis -- c......s. Proteins -- chemical synthesis -- congresses.
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA20968690
- Subject HeadingSeawater -- Analysis
- Subject Heading (ID)Seawater -- Analysis
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- Author HeadingParsons, Timothy Richard, 1932- 米田, 義昭(1937-) Lalli, Carol M., 1938-
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA3904224X
- Author HeadingLim, Lian Chuan 菅原, 庸
- Author Heading (ID)DA08313666
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingOils and fats. Waxes.
- Author HeadingMartin, Geoffrey, 1881-1966
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChemistry, Analytic -- Quantitative. Chemistry, Technical.
- Note (General)Preface signed: Albert L. Stillman, Thomas B. Stillman, editors.
- Author HeadingStillman, Thomas Bliss, 1852-1915. Stillman, Albert Leeds, 1883- Stillman, Thomas Bliss, 1890-
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChemistry, Analytic. Chemistry, Technical.
- Author HeadingScott, Wilfred W. (Wilfred Welday) , 1876-1932.
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA19942361
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1857 ed. pub. by C.M. Saxton, New York
- Author HeadingTurner, Joseph Addison
National Diet Library
- ContentsImproved SERS-active Ag-nanosystems for practical applications / N. Guarrotxena Redox synthesis of metal/carbon nanocomposites in nanoreactors of polymeric matrices / V.V. Trineeva and V.I. Kodolov......rowth modes impact on the heterostructure's CaF2/Si(100) electro-physical properties / A. Velichko, V. Gavrilenko, V. Ilyushin, A. Krupin, N. Filimonova, and M. Chernova Short communications : research note on nanostructures and nanosystems / A.B. Eresko [and 15 others] Hexagonal geometry in nanosystems / G.A. Korablev, Yu.G. Vasiliev, V.I. Kodolov, and G.E. Zaikov Entropic and spatial-energy interactions G.A. Korablev, V.I. Kod...
- Subject HeadingNanostructures Nanotechnology Polymers
- Is Format OfApplied nanotechnology Toronto ; New Jersey : Apple Academic Press, 2017 (ISBN:978177...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA12314203
- Related MaterialA Series of books in chemistry
- Periodical TitleA Series of books in chemistry
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA79042959
- Related MaterialSeries of chemistry texts
- Periodical TitleSeries of chemistry texts
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- NCIDBA72161392
- Author Heading (ID)DA10010645
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- NCIDBA23256925
- Related MaterialSeries of chemistry texts
- Periodical TitleSeries of chemistry texts
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingA manual of chemical analysis
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Cover title: Qualitative chemical analysis.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)DA10010645
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingIron -- Analysis. Iron ores -- Analysis.
- Author HeadingKoninck, Lucien Louis de, 1844- Dietz, Ed. Mallet, Robert, 1810-1881. Fesquet, A. A.
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA18149008
- Subject HeadingChemistry, Analytic Chemistry, Technical
- Subject Heading (ID)Chemistry, Analytic Chemistry, Technical
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingChemistry, Analytic -- Qualitative.
- Author HeadingEliot, Charles William, 1834-1926 Storer, Frank H. (Frank Humphreys) , 1832-1914.